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Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®


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Indigenous Peoples (3)

Canada Day parade

3 min read

Indigenous Peoples, Reconciliation and Canada 150

June is National Aboriginal History Month, and this year, the day after National Aboriginal History Month ends activities for Canada 150 begin....

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Muskeg Lake Cree Nation

4 min read

Notable Impact of Urban Reserves and Saskatoon

The first urban reserve in Canada was created in 1988 in the City of Saskatoon. The relationship between Saskatoon and Muskeg Lake Cree Nation (MLCN)...

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Canadian banknotes. Photo: KMR Photography, Flickr

5 min read

Fabulous Five Indigenous Women Nominees for Canadian Banknotes

The Bank of Canada put out a call for nominations of Canadian women for a series of new banknotes. This is not the first time women have been...

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orca whales

2 min read

What Is the Relationship Between Indigenous Peoples and Animals

From time to time people ask me about the relationship between Indigenous peoples and animals. For some, the knowledge of the natural world - the...

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Muskeg Lake Cree Nation

3 min read

Urban Reserves and Economic Independence

Paul K. Ledoux, Council Member, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation was a guest speaker at the Urban Reserves Forum in Winnipeg in early March 2016. Paul...

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three generations of Josephs

4 min read

Hereditary Chief Definition and 5 FAQs

The great aim of our legislation has been to do away with the tribal system and assimilate the Indian people in all respects with the other...

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Indigenous-made jewelry

4 min read

What are Appropriate Gifts for Indigenous Guest Speakers?

This article goes out to all the people who organize events that include Indigenous speakers and we thank one of our readers for suggesting we write...

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Two signs at the top of Mt. Doug/Pkols in Victoria, BC; one comes from the Canadian government, who refer to the mountain as Mt. Doug, while the other, newer, sign refers to the mountains traditional name, Pkols.

4 min read

The Relationship Between Indigenous Peoples and Place Names

What is the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and place names? Indigenous place names carry knowledge that has been passed from generation to...

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Chief Tony Alexis and Pope Francis in Vatican City 2016

3 min read

Indigenous Worldviews vs Western Worldviews

Any individual within a culture is going to have his or her own personal interpretation of the collective cultural code; however, the individual's...

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totem pole face

2 min read

Indigenous or Aboriginal: Which Is Correct?

“Which is correct? Indigenous or Aboriginal” is a frequently asked question for us at Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. The federal government’s...

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