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The History of Indigenous Corporate Training Inc.

Your guide to Indigenous relations for over 20 years

Bob_Joseph_450-CIn 1994, Bob Joseph was employed in the Aboriginal Relations department of a large crown corporation in BC. He and his colleagues developed a cultural awareness presentation that Bob, a certified Master Trainer, delivered to thousands of the corporation’s staff, field crews and consultants.

The impact he was having on Indigenous relations did not go unnoticed. In 2001, Bob was one of nine trainers selected by the American Society of Training and Development from over 70,000 members from more than 100 countries and 15,000 organizations for the feature “Training: the New Guard 2001.” Closer to home, the impact he was having also did not go unnoticed as the Crown Corporation he worked for was increasingly approached by other organizations asking if Bob could train for them too.

However, in 2002, the corporation underwent significant restructuring, and it was unclear if the Aboriginal Relations department was part of the reconfiguration. During this time, Bob launched Indigenous Corporate Training Inc., continued to train for his former employer, and began booking new clients.

At that time, Indigenous rights were being recognized and affirmed through the courts. Significant Supreme Court of Canada rulings impacted how resource developers, consultants, field staff, and all levels of government engaged with Indigenous communities. And with those changes and duties to consult and accommodate came the recognition that there was a knowledge gap.

Working Effectively With Indigenous Peoples® 4th editionPeople were increasingly looking for insight, tips and tools to help them work effectively with Indigenous Peoples and communities - beyond mere awareness. To fulfill that need, Bob developed his signature course, Working Effectively With Aboriginal Peoples® (renamed in 2015 to Working Effectively With Indigenous Peoples®). And then wrote a book of the same name based on the course material.

ICT is proud to be on the cutting edge of change in Indigenous relations by helping learners in all sectors along the path to respectful relations with Indigenous Peoples. Following the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s report and 94 calls to action for reconciliation in 2015, the demand for training dramatically increased, leading ICT to expand the team with more trainers.

In 2020, when the pandemic arrived, and people transitioned to working and learning from home, ICT launched its online Indigenous Relations Academy and self-guided and live-guided virtual training sessions.

2021 Business of the Year RecipientICT’s significant contributions were recognized in 2021 when the company received the Business of the Year Award (3-10 person category) from the BC Achievement Indigenous Business Award.

“I love this work because it gives us a chance to bring all Canadians together and make real headway in reconciliation. Knowing that we are contributing to transformative change is both humbling and empowering. 21Things_AmazonBestSeller

When I published 21 Things® You May Not Know About The Indian Act, I was stunned by the response. I mean, who would have predicted a book about the Indian Act would be a national bestseller? But, it shows how ready people are to learn and commit to reconciliation. I think about King Charles III's comment that Canada’s efforts toward reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples hold lessons for other Commonwealth countries facing the wrongs that have shaped the past. He said, “Indigenous and non-indigenous Peoples reflecting honestly and openly on one of the darkest aspects of history -- as challenging as that conversation can be, people across Canada are approaching it with courage." I am hopeful for the future and grateful to all Canadians who have committed to contributing to reconciliation.” Bob Joseph, President, Indigenous Corporate Training Inc.

Over the past twenty years, Indigenous relations in Canada have changed dramatically. In 2002, when Bob Joseph launched Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. (ICT), the courts were just beginning to pass rulings on Indigenous rights and title, the duty to consult, and the meaning of “meaningful consultation.” A lot has changed in two decades. And ICT has kept abreast of the changes with a full catalogue of courses that equip Canadians to work effectively with Indigenous Peoples.

Highlights From Our Last 20+ Years




Launched company with Aboriginal Awareness training



Introduced Indigenous Consultation and Engagement training (originally Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples® During Consultation)

2003 - 2005

Supreme Court rulings defined duty to consult & duty to accommodate, Metis membership test



Introduced Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples® training and published 1st edition of Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples® book


Had the first inclusion of Land Acknowledgments in a published book (1st edition of Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples® book) 


Launched Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples® eNewsletter



Published 2nd edition of Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples® book


The UN General Assembly voted on the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples during its 61st regular session; Canada choose to vote against the Declaration



Canada issued formal apology to residential school survivors and their families


Launched Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples® blog


Canada signed the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples but with qualifications


Published 3rd edition of Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples® book




Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Indigenous title is inherently collective and exists not only for the benefit of the present generation, but also for that of all future generations


Changed name of courses, books, blog to reflect federal government adoption of "Indigenous" rather than "Aboriginal"


Federal government officially moved from "Aboriginal" to "Indigenous" in all communications


Published 21 Things® You May Not Have Known About The Indian Act blog post; blog post goes viral


Truth and Reconciliation Canada published a summary report and 94 Calls to Action


Introduced How to Negotiate with Indigenous Peoples training


The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the legal definition of “Indian” — as laid out in the Constitution — includes Métis and non-status Indians


Canada officially removed its objector status to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


Published 4th edition of Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® book




Welcomed 1 millionth viewer to our Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® blog.


Working with UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples course introduced as well as The Personal Pledge of Reconciliation



Offered The Personal Pledge of Reconciliation


Published 21 Things® You May Not Know About The Indian Act - Helping Canadians Make Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples a Reality book


Published Indigenous Relations, Insights, Tips & Suggestions to Make Reconciliation a Reality book


The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act unanimously passed by the British Columbia legislative Assembly


Introduced Indigenous Employment: Recruitment and Retention training


21 Things® book won the 2019 Bill Duthie Booksellers' Choice Award


Offered The Professional Pledge of Reconciliation


Introduced online Indigenous Relations Academy


COVID-19 pandemic arrived and many workers shifted to home office


Offered Getting Started in Indigenous Relations training


Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® blog had its four millionth view


Introduced Reconciliation Primer training


Indigenous Awareness course offered in a new licensing option


First National Day for Truth and Reconciliation


IBA medal

ICT received the BC Indigenous Business of the Year Award (3-10 person enterprise)®


The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act received Royal Assent


Hit 8.5 million views of the Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® blog


Pope Francis apologized for the Catholic Church’s role in residential school


Introduced First Steps as an Indigenous Ally training and 21 Things™ You May Not Know About the Indian Act training


Had 7.5 million visitors to the Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. website since its launch in 2014


On November 2nd, ICT marked their 20th Anniversary helping Canadians develop the skills to effectively, respectfully and meaningfully engage and work with Indigenous Peoples.


ICT responds to requests and creates and launches their new course, Indigenous Procurement


Some of our valued training partners

Google logo     Rogers logo     London Drugs logo     Elections BC logo

ICBC logo Fortis BC logo Canadian Western Bank Global BC logo Coast Mountain College Liberty Relic CAIS Science World logo Wesgroup 4VI logo West Fraser logo Mosaic Forest Management CIMS logo okane logo Tolko logo City of Timmins logo Secure logo BC Housing logo Seaspan Victoria Shipyards logo International Institute for Sustainable Development LGMA logo ConEcon Consultants logo

Your Commitment + Our Training = Informed Indigenous Relations