Indigenous Relations
The fear of doing or saying the wrong thing can impede your ability to develop effective Indigenous relationships. Indigenous relations training gives you insight, strategies, tips, and suggestions necessary to overcome that fear. You will learn what to do, what not to do and why. This course paves your path to respectful and effective Indigenous relations and is the follow up course to our Indigenous Awareness training.
What are your key challenges?
- Understanding how to cultivate Indigenous relationships?
- Understanding business reasons for working with Indigenous Peoples?
- Knowing how to begin to consult with Indigenous Peoples?
- Fearing saying or doing the wrong thing?
- Knowing how to manage risk when cultivating Indigenous relationships?
Who should take this course?
- Those new to & those experienced in Indigenous relations
- Federal, provincial, regional, and municipal government staff
- Consultants, policymakers, human resources
- Senior executives, managers and board members
- Retail, not-for-profit, media, hospitality, tourism, transportation
- Lawyers, justice, police, health care practitioners, educators
This should be a standard course for all of our employees working with Aboriginal Peoples, communities & issues. Teaching such as this bridges people and brings good things. Gets everyone involved.
J.C. • Environment Canada
Did you know?
These courses are BC Law Society Continuing Ed certified for CPD purposes.
Do you work in a municipal or local government in Canada? Do you want to increase your knowledge of Indigenous relations?
We now offer a variation on our popular Indigenous Relations training for regional and local government staff specifically: Indigenous Relations for Local Governments.
Excellent course. Well presented. The course material is current and relevant to present engagements with Indigenous Peoples and cultures.
B.T. • ATCO Group of Companies