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Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®


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Indian Act (2)

red traffic light

2 min read

8 Basic Barriers to Indigenous Employment - #1 of 3

In this article, we look at the barriers - some tangible, some not - that maintain the status quo of exorbitant rates of unemployment amongst...

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Canadian voting sign

2 min read

First Nation Election Facts

Prior to the introduction of the Indian Act in 1876, communities were self-governing and leadership was designated according to each community's...

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21 Things™ You May Not Know About the Indian Act front cover

3 min read

The 'Indian Act' and 'Bestseller' in the Same Sentence

I want to reflect on how the social and political landscape of Canada is changing. It may not be as fast as some of us would like, or as...

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bright paint on hand

4 min read

What is Indigenous Identity?

We identify ourselves in many ways - by gender, generation, ethnicity, culture, religion, profession/employment, nationality, locality, language,...

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IV pole and bag

3 min read

The Ongoing Impact of the Indian Act on Indigenous Peoples' Health

In nearly every country with an Indigenous population, and that includes some of the wealthiest countries in the world, there are disparities between...

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Canada Day parade

3 min read

Indigenous Peoples, Reconciliation and Canada 150

June is National Aboriginal History Month, and this year, the day after National Aboriginal History Month ends activities for Canada 150 begin....

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Dene children in hospital

4 min read

A Brief Look at Indian Hospitals in Canada

We would like to acknowledge that this article was framed from the research and writing of authors Maureen Lux (Separate Beds: A History of Indian...

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bottle filling line

5 min read

A Look at First Nations Prohibition of Alcohol

The Indian Act Prohibited the sale of alcohol to First Nations (1884 - 1985) Every one who by himself, his clerk, servant or agent, and every one who...

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Fred Callihoo is depicted on his tractor. Fred Callihoo was Chief of the enfranchised Michel First Nation from 1936-1948.

3 min read

Indian Act and Enfranchisement of Indigenous Peoples

Enfranchisement of any First Nation admitted to university (1880 amendment) 99.(1) Any Indian who may be admitted to the degree of Doctor of...

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Plains Indigenous woman on horseback, Walter Lake, Alberta, 1920-1930. Photo: Archives / Collections and Fonds - 4589638

3 min read

Snapshot of Indian Act Denial of Status for Indigenous Women

When an Indian woman marries outside the band, whether a non-treaty Indian or a white man, it is in the interest of the Department, and in her...

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