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Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®


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History (5)

Land-O-Lakes butter. Photo: Mike Mozart, Flickr

2 min read

Why Are There Stereotypes About Indigenous Peoples?

Following every training session we ask learners if they would kindly take the time to fill in a survey about the training. We find these surveys...

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Métis flag. Photo: Cindy Joseph

2 min read

Harry Daniels: The Man Who Put Métis in the Constitution

Harry Daniels will share with Louis Riel the honor of having introduced the rights of the Métis people in the Constitution of Canada: Riel in s. 31...

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Inuit boy and man checking Eskimo tag for census, Windy River, Nunavut, 1950.

3 min read

Eskimo Identification Tags Replaced Traditional Names

In Inuit tradition, a child is not considered to be a complete person until they receive an atiq or “soul name,” usually given at birth. The...

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statue with scales

3 min read

Aboriginal Rights, Title and the Duty to Consult - A Primer

The doctrine of Aboriginal rights exists… because of one simple fact: when Europeans arrived in North America, Aboriginal peoples were already here,...

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Plains Indigenous woman on horseback, Walter Lake, Alberta, 1920-1930. Photo: Archives / Collections and Fonds - 4589638

3 min read

Snapshot of Indian Act Denial of Status for Indigenous Women

When an Indian woman marries outside the band, whether a non-treaty Indian or a white man, it is in the interest of the Department, and in her...

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Sir John A MacDonald statue in Hamilton, Ontario

5 min read

10 Quotes John A. MacDonald Made About First Nations

July 1 is Canada Day, a day during which many Canadians celebrate the achievements of the founding fathers of this country. Sir John Alexander...

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2 min read

National Aboriginal Day or National Indigenous Day

The implications of choosing Indigenous are significant. In October 2015, Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau used the term Indigenous in his...

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Two signs at the top of Mt. Doug/Pkols in Victoria, BC; one comes from the Canadian government, who refer to the mountain as Mt. Doug, while the other, newer, sign refers to the mountains traditional name, Pkols.

4 min read

The Relationship Between Indigenous Peoples and Place Names

What is the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and place names? Indigenous place names carry knowledge that has been passed from generation to...

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permit to leave the reserve

2 min read

Indian Act and the Pass System

No rebel Indians should be allowed off the Reserves without a pass signed by an I.D. official. The dangers of complications with white men will thus...

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man dancing at Innu powwow

4 min read

What Does Indigenous Awareness Mean?

Indigenous awareness is a broad term – I know because my onsite and public workshops are dedicated to helping people understand the full extent of...

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