2 min read
Why Are There Stereotypes About Indigenous Peoples?
Following every training session we ask learners if they would kindly take the time to fill in a survey about the training. We find these surveys...
2 min read
Following every training session we ask learners if they would kindly take the time to fill in a survey about the training. We find these surveys...
2 min read
Harry Daniels will share with Louis Riel the honor of having introduced the rights of the Métis people in the Constitution of Canada: Riel in s. 31...
3 min read
In Inuit tradition, a child is not considered to be a complete person until they receive an atiq or “soul name,” usually given at birth. The...
3 min read
The doctrine of Aboriginal rights exists… because of one simple fact: when Europeans arrived in North America, Aboriginal peoples were already here,...
3 min read
When an Indian woman marries outside the band, whether a non-treaty Indian or a white man, it is in the interest of the Department, and in her...
5 min read
July 1 is Canada Day, a day during which many Canadians celebrate the achievements of the founding fathers of this country. Sir John Alexander...
2 min read
The implications of choosing Indigenous are significant. In October 2015, Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau used the term Indigenous in his...
4 min read
What is the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and place names? Indigenous place names carry knowledge that has been passed from generation to...
2 min read
No rebel Indians should be allowed off the Reserves without a pass signed by an I.D. official. The dangers of complications with white men will thus...
4 min read
Indigenous awareness is a broad term – I know because my onsite and public workshops are dedicated to helping people understand the full extent of...