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Guided Training

Training Week

Aecon Construction Group Inc.

"Indigenous Corporate Training offers a great foundation for building and nurturing relationships with Indigenous Peoples and Communities in both a professional setting, as well as everyday life. The week-long training course provides a wealth of information and understanding from the time before settlers first made contact with Indigenous Peoples in Canada, to present day issues and business practices. I can't thank Bob, Flavio and Rupert enough for sharing their real-life experiences and family (hi)stories. I'd highly recommend this training course to anyone actively engaged with Indigenous Peoples, and to anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the evolution of a historically disenfranchised culture." R.B.

Bell Canada

"This was the most interactive training I have had on Indigenous training. It helped solidify that I am taking the right approach in my current role, which is primarily building relationships with Indigenous Communities to work towards an amicable arrangement for both parties. The ICTINC instructors are knowledgeable and their real life stories help to put the course content into useful context." C.U.

Clear Course Consulting

"A fantastic space to learn and get resources and Rupert was so engaging. I learnt so much!" C.F. Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®

Destination Think!

"Rupert is an excellent facilitator and communicator who made an early start for a day-long virtual session feel incredibly interactive and dynamic. My colleagues and I learned so much about our responsibilities and commitments as non-Indigenous people working on Indigenous lands. I highly recommend this training." K.C. Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®

"Rupert was very engaging and resourceful. The information he provided was relevant and actionable. What was impressive is that no question seemed to stump him. I learned a lot and it will help me in my personal and professional life." W.B. Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®

District of Mission

"I recently completed a 4 day round of training offered by the Indigenous Corporate Training folks and found the experience incredibly valuable. The courses were moved from a Vancouver venue to online due to the COVID-19 restrictions. ICT made the transition seamless and the Zoom platform they chose worked flawlessly. The trainers were incredibly knowledgeable and well spoken and just a pleasure to listen to, interact with, and learn from. I highly recommend the training offered by Indigenous Corporate Training Inc." J.J.

District of North Cowichan

"I recently attended 4 days of training with Indigenous Corporate Training. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the training was done online. I was very impressed with how the online training was conducted. Co-hosts Flavio Caron and Bob Joseph were fluent in the subject matter and engaging throughout. Space was given for participants to share experiences and to hear the experiences of others, including those of Flavio and Bob. I can only imaging how engaging an in person course might be. I would highly recommend courses offered by Indigenous Corporate Training and look forward to hopefully meeting Bob and Flavio to share more stories about our work with First Nations. Thanks Bob, thanks Flavio." C.R.

Employment & Social Development Canada

"I had been wanting to participate in an offering from Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. for some time so I was super happy when my organization put this offering together for staff. At first I thought taking training virtually would be difficult but there are several ways to interact with each other using the video, chat and breakaway room formats. I really enjoyed it, woliwun/thank you!" T.C. How to Negotiate with Indigenous Peoples

Environment and Climate Change Canada

"I really enjoyed the breakout sessions. Thinking critically with others, and having our responses validated by an instructor really helps ingrain the knowledge shared. I also appreciated the real-life examples shared from our experienced instructors." P.R.

"This was a very rich learning experience that deeply impacted me professionally and personally. I feel better equipped with practical tools, knowledge and sensitives to carry forward indigenous relations. The course instructors are very engaging and bring the content to life through sharing personal experiences and stories. The online training was also far more interactive than I suspected which really helped to engrain the concepts being presented. I hope to have the opportunity to take training with ICT again someday." C.T.


"Flavio was amazing, he delivered an impassioned and engaging presentation. Each subject matter was addressed through historical facts and real-life stories that sometimes made you laugh and at others could be a bit difficult to listen to. I came away with a much deeper understanding of our Canadian history and the impact that Canada’s assimilation policies had on Indigenous peoples, their communities, and governments." K.L.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

"Indigenous Corporate Training was a pleasure to work with. The trainer was knowledgeable, experienced and dynamic, and the training provided timely and important information to our team that will better equip them for their work." S.A. How to Negotiate with Indigenous People

"I truly enjoyed the training and am so glad that I opted to take it, even in the Virtual Training format. I enjoyed Bob and had many informative talks with him, which I benefited from just as much as the course! It would have been wonderful to have all been together in a room. I certainly would recommend this Virtual Training though, even if we weren't all under the COVID-19 constraints." W.W.

"The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is a critically important topic for Canadian public servants who work with Indigenous Peoples. ICT provided excellent and dynamic training that has ensured our team is well equipped for the work we do and the conversations we have with Indigenous Peoples." S.A. Working with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

"I would highly recommend this course. Being new to working with Indigenous Peoples, Flavio gave great advice, informed of important customs to be aware of and outlined realistic expectations for timelines and initiating good relationships." C.B. How to Negotiate with Indigenous Peoples

Greater Essex County District School Board

"I would highly recommend the training offered concerning indigenous peoples as I learned much and am looking forward to implementing what I learned into the community." T.K.

Guelph Museums

"In my first experience with Indigenous Corporate Training Inc., I deeply valued the courtesy and attention to detail of the course leaders. The volume of information shared and their responsiveness to the knowledge, or lack of knowledge, in the group were also appreciated. I will register for another training session, particularly if it is offered online (even after the pandemic lockdown is concluded)." D.O.


"I found the courses that I took with Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. to be very informative. The facilitators were very knowledgeable and I look forward to taking additional courses in the future." S.L.

"Awesome way to interact and discuss important topics with others about this very important issue! Mä̀hsi’ cho, Kwanä̀schis, Shä̀w níthän, Tsin’įį choh, Gunałchîsh, Sógá sénlá’, Thank you for all your hard work." J.L.

"The training is well put together by an incredible team. The knowledge shared is valuable for all Canadians and provides an excellent foundation for building relationships with indigenous peoples." T.

"This training was exceptional and I would recommend it. The information was highly impactful and gave me a lot to think about. Not only did I learn a lot about working with Indigenous communities, but I can apply some of the basic principles to other situations. We all should have this knowledge of the history of Indigenous people in Canada." R.P.

Individual continued

"This should be mandatory training for any organization that engages directly or indirectly with Indigenous peoples in Canada--which is to say it should be mandatory for every organization. Along with the history of colonization and understanding the impacts of nation building on First Nations, Metis and Inuit, this course provides practical tips in a safe environment for engaging with Indigenous communities." T.L.G.

"A must for anyone whether working directly with Indigenous Peoples or not. This information is more relevant and important to us everyday." S.B.

"Most definitely recommend participating at this learning event! Learned a lot, the facilitators were very engaging and really enjoyed how they underscored their points with experiences/stories." P.G.

"The training was very engaging and well-delivered - so much so that the days flew by without the usual afternoon lull. The instructors did an excellent job of teaching the history of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and how that history is important when working with Indigenous Peoples. Finally, receiving a list of common mistakes and suggestions of what to do when engaging with Indigenous Peoples was just the kind of practical information that I was missing." R.S.

"The training will be a great asset in my consulting work. The expertise shared will be invaluable." L.W.

Integral Group

"Flavio held space for an excellent learning experience. His vulnerability sharing personal stories was appreciated and his delivery of the content was very effective for a large group." B.

Innergex Renewable Energy

"This was a professionally delivered and excellent first step in what will become a personal journey to improve our research methodologies to be in accord with UNDRIP and the Kyoto Accord." L.H.

Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

"I was first attracted by their books, Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples, and 21 Things You May not Know about the Indigenous Act. The presenters are very knowledgeable in their subject, knowledge based in experience, study and reflection, and they are also good teachers and facilitators. They make it easy to ask any question, and to interact with them. I am very, very glad that I took the step past reading their books to taking their classes. If I benefited from and enjoyed the online classes this much, then I am sure I would enjoy the in-person classes even more. I highly recommend you try them too!" P.B.

Letourneau Heritage Consulting Inc.

"The training helped to illustrate why something that should be so simple has become so complex." H.D.

Mowi Canada West Inc.

"Indigenous Corporate Training was made possible during the COVID-19 restrictions through a virtual classroom and was extremely engaging and interactive. I would recommend this training as mandatory for any Canadian whether they're working with First Nations or not." E.H.

Okanagan College

"I thoroughly enjoyed the learning environment that was set up for these workshops. Some of the topics delved into historical systems of colonization but were done in a respectful and approachable way. As an Indigenous professional myself i am fairly aware of many considerations when working with Indigenous Peoples and communities but i found these workshops provided an elegant approach to the work i do. I have already spoken to my manager on supporting colleagues to also take this training and would highly recommend to folks." J.G. ICE, IERR, and Working with the UN Declaration

Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

"The week of Indigenous Peoples sessions has been one of the most valuable and essential part of my professional development. All of the tools I am leaving with will help me move forward in building relationships and working respectfully with Indigenous Peoples. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your class and the honour to learn from your experience." L.B.

Rogers Sports & Media

"Rogers provides great training and opportunities to learn for its employees. The recent training I did for 'Working Effectively with Indigenous People' was one of the most interesting, relevant and helpful training sessions I've done in my career. Flavio Caron is an engaging and thoughtful trainer and thought leader. I can't wait until I have the opportunity to use what I have learned and build upon this training in my next opportunity. " T.R. Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®

"I think a lot of people would do well to take this training. There's so much I *thought* I knew, but didn't really understand. This information will be helpful, not only for use in future business dealings, but also anytime I am communicating with people of different backgrounds. Flavio was an excellent facilitator, and made a very difficult topic easier to grasp." M.H. Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®

"This training is a must attend for anyone who would like to broaden their knowledge and remove unconscious biases of working with Indigenous peoples...Flavio is so well versed and educated, you can't help but be engaged!!!" M.D. Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®

"I expected to learn about Canada's history with the Indigenous Peoples and the right things to do today when working with Indigenous Peoples. I did achieve all that, but more importantly, this course and the facilitator helped me gain an understanding of how things are the way they are, a new perspective that profoundly shaped my view, attitude, actions and reactions towards Canada's political and cultural landscape. How we treat Indigenous Peoples isn't just a matter of/for the Indigenous Peoples, it's a matter of concern for all Canadians. I highly recommend this course to anyone and everyone out there." E.Z. Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®

SBL Communication

"This training is a great value and exceptional way to gain insight and guidance into working with indigenous peoples. I highly recommend it. The trainers are excellent." S.L.

Technical Safety B.C.

"I was excited to see how Indigenous Corporate Training would adapt their excellent training approach to a virtual environment, and they did not disappoint! The Zoom course was just as engaging and interactive as the live training. I have enjoyed all my training with Bob and Flavio and continue to learn from them through their newsletters, blog posts, books and online resources." J.H.

"This training is delivered in both a deeply personal and incredibly generous way - I got the sense that we were each being given this unique gift of knowledge with the trainer's full trust and understanding that we would step forward into our responsibilities for reconciliation." C. R. Indigenous Awareness

"If I could recommend one learning to each and every fellow Canadian, of all ethnicities and nations, it would be this one." H.R. Indigenous Awareness

UA Canada

"I cannot say enough regarding the job that Flavio did delivering the program over the last two days. All Participant comments were unanimous in regard to his sincerity, professionalism, and ability to engage everyone as he guided us through historic truths that will remain in our hearts and minds forever. We hope that many others will have the privilege to witness and embark on this journey of education. To say that we are pleased would be an understatement. We very much appreciated working together and we look forward to the next opportunity." M.G. Indigenous Awareness + Indigenous Relations

UBC Saunder School of Business

"An excellent program. A wonderful trainer. Hard to think of a better investment of time. Highly recommend it to anyone in the business community." C.S. Indigenous Awareness

"This workshop was very informative and absolutely worthwhile. The instructor did an excellent job building rapport with the group and creating an atmosphere where you're open and willing to ask questions, make mistakes, and learn. He made great use of the features in Zoom to engage with the group, and took the time to get to know our backgrounds. I would love to participate in another session with Rupert." A.C. Indigenous Awareness

Indigenous Awareness - Guided

Canadian Museum of History

"Before this training I was worried about interactions with culture and presentations to visitors. Post-training I have confidence about how to do my job." E.B.


"Flavio is an excellent trainer and the Indigenous Awareness Training from ICT Inc. exceeded my expectations. Flavio brings unique perspectives and a global mindset to the training that made it easy for people with diverse backgrounds to relate and understand the content." S.S.

Independent Electricity System Operator

"I found the training to be invaluable. The trainer was engaging, and despite the difficulty of the subject matter, presented the content without bias or negativity. He offered personal anecdotal accounts, which helped build on his teachings and his message. I walked away with a greater understanding of the Indigenous Peoples, their culture, history, and their struggles and how we can improve our relations moving forward." C.L.


"This was a fantastic seminar with lots of great information. I appreciated that there wasn't an vibe of "us vs them" and the discussion was comfortable, engaging, interesting and made me eager to learn and discuss this more. The history of Indigenous People in Canada can be taboo and "hush-hush" because it isn't a romantic history. But having a comfortable space to openly discuss and learn about this was refreshing and is very much needed in all spheres in Canada. I also appreciated the humour that was injected into the conversation often." A.B.

Recycle BC

"Very informative and personal training session. Rupert was very knowledgeable, and his presentation style is engaging and entertaining. Highly recommend this type of training for any organization." C.

Regional District of Nanaimo

"This Indigenous Awareness Training was very informative and the instructor was engaging throughout the workshop. The local examples and personal stories brought a new perspective to my awareness around Indigenous history in Canada. This information is useful both in my professional work and personal life." M.T.

Ryder Architecture

"This was a wonderful and insightful training session. The trainer approached our group with a light-hearted and positive energy, and made us feel so welcome in the learning environment, particularly around a sensitive topic. We were encouraged to ask questions, and were never made to feel as though our questions were not worth answering. I would highly recommend this training session to anyone wanting to learn more awareness around Indigenous peoples in Canada." A.

School District #33 - Chilliwack, BC

"Informative, honest and engaging presentation that illustrates historical & cultural perspectives of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. Important conversation for Truth & Reconciliation progress." S.P.

TD Bank Group

"The Indigenous Awareness training I took recently was EXCELLENT! The facilitator's kind yet transparent communication of the content really helped to broaden my limited knowledge. I am passionate about Truth & Reconciliation and had some info, but was hungry for more. This workshop really opened my eyes to a little bit of the vast cultural background, nuances, and history, providing practical ways to move forward in learning more. Thank you." J.K.

Venture for Canada

"Rupert's content, pace and personability was the next best thing to being in person. I have been to a several Indigenous trainings and I learned more in this one than in any other. It was a very positive learning environment." G.

Indigenous Relations - Guided

Bata Shoe Museum

"Indigenous Relations Virtual Training makes their participants feel comfortable and in a safe environment to learn more about Indigenous history and culture. I truly felt like I was in a safe environment to learn and ask questions. I highly recommend this training for people who want to further their knowledge on the subject and want to learn how to work with Indigenous communities more effectively." A.N.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

"This training provided me with stories, tools, ideas and confidence to improve my engagement and understanding when collaborating with or about Indigenous Peoples." R.W.S.


"This training was eye-opening, dispelled myths and provided understanding of a culture that so many Canadians in my opinion do not know enough about." K.B.

GT Gold Corp

"The migration of this programming to an online format was seamless. Our learning facilitator was energized and enthusiastically presented the material. The course content provided an excellent high-level understanding of Indigenous history, constitutional, political and legal context, and cross-cultural perspectives. We appreciate the knowledge and stories shared and will continue our learning specific to history and culture of the Indigenous Nations whose land we live and work on." M.T.

Indigenous Relations for Local Governments - Guided

City of Abbotsford

"This training opportunity was incredibly valuable. Packed into one day was a wealth of historical context, sensitive insight and practical information relevant to working effectively with indigenous people today. Thank you!" D.W.

City of Hamilton

"Really appreciated this training - the team at ICT were incredible to work with from start to finish! The trainers are very engaging and helped our understanding by sharing real world examples of how the learning could be applied. Thank you for contributing to my journey of reconciliation." J.D.

Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® - Guided

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

"This training was exactly what I was looking for. It addressed my training needs from a human and workplace perspective. I am now equipped with many tools to ensure that I have effective, respectful and worthwhile interactions with Indigenous communities in the future." L.S.


"Having decades of experience working with Indigenous Peoples' communities I thought I knew a lot about the required mannerisms, engagement challenges and achieving desired outcomes. This training provided current context and a more holistic approach to the history, legal framework and new developments that are relevant and must be understood by all to adapt to for better communications, partnerships and outcomes." D.

BC Housing

"The session "Working [Effectively] with Indigenous Peoples" delivered by Flavio Caron is a great introduction into the subject matter. It is a course which offers all the necessary ( and more) fundamentals to allow anyone to have a better understand of the History and current status of the Indigenous Peoples and how as Housing Workers we can better understand and serve them. Fantastic course." M.B.

"This training was so important and valuable. With so much history and many relevant issues facing us today, it was hard to know where to start to educate myself. The training was really effective in giving a great summary of how the history of Indigenous people in BC and Canada has gotten us to where we are today, and it gave practical knowledge of what to do with this information going forward. Not only did the training provide a great starting point, the trainer also suggested current resources for how I could continue my learning. Thank you so much!" R.A.

BC Human Rights Tribunal

"It feels almost impossible to isolate what I liked best about this training as it was meaningful and timely on so many levels, both personally and professionally. The content was comprehensive and well thought out. The presenter was able to effortlessly and competently present on a complicated and sometimes contentious subject matter, in a factual and truthful way. His ability to season his delivery with personal experience helped to solidify the ideas presented and make the process more genuine and memorable. His communication skills are obviously highly developed and his background so well-suited to this! Thank you for this timely and necessary training! It is invaluable and most appreciated! It has had quite a positive impact on me and I would highly recommend it to everyone!" L.R.

BC Ministry of Transportation

"Perfect and precise training session. Rupert Richardson did an excellent job. For the first time, I have attended a training session that was so interesting and engaging. Time well spent." S.S.

Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation

"This training let me to a total paradigm shift in how I think about interacting with indigenous groups both on a personal level and as a government representative. I have a much more thorough understanding of the context and perception of Canadian government that indigenous groups will be bringing to the table and feel much more prepared to navigate introductions and conversations in nation to nation discussions in a positive, respectful and productive manner. Invaluable training for anyone working with indigenous nations or persons." S.L.


"I went into this training hoping to learn something valuable and useful; not only did that happen, but I left with a hunger to learn more about Canada's past, reconciliation and how we can work together to make Canada better. The Facilitator and presenter, Bob and Flavio, are tremendous. They are so well versed in historical and current events!” J.M.

Rogers Communications

Rogers logo

"This session was so worthwhile on many levels. It provided a deep perspective and understanding of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and was facilitated in a respectful, professional way that contributed to deeper understanding and learning. Thank you." S.L.

"I was dreading a full day training program but this course was exceptional! Favio was the perfect instructor for it. I learned a ton of valuable lessons that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I am inspired to be a better friend and support all Indigenous community members with the kindness and respect they deserve." M.M.

Perkins & Will

"The Working with Indigenous Peoples training by Indigenous Corporate Training is a thoughtfully developed program that combines factual historical context with real examples and stories. The course was a humbling experience that equipped me with a base amount of knowledge and understanding that will inform my future interactions, but more importantly it led me to new questions that I never knew to ask" D.

Indigenous Consultation & Engagement - Guided

Canadian Institute for Health Information

"I can't put into words how valuable this course is for companies or organizations that will be engaging with First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities. This course is an absolute must!" E.H.

Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada

"Great training to help with Indigenous consultation, more public servants should take this training!" S.A.

Environment Canada

"This should be a standard course for all of our employees working with Aboriginal Peoples, communities & issues. Teachings such as this bridges people and brings good things. Gets everyone involved" J.C.

Hatfield Consultants

"I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this topic, and highly endorse others to experience for themselves the quality of the training." A.J.

National Energy Board

"This training was extremely valuable to myself and our team. We were able to use Bob's knowledge and course material to drive very informative and useful discussion within our Engagement teams. Bob is extremely experienced and his material is easily grasped and can be immediately implemented. I highly recommend this training to any organizations engaging or preparing to engage with Indigenous groups." V.

Transport Canada

"I have taken this training before and it never becomes dated. As the world of consultation and engagement continues to evolve, the training reflects the current landscape, and I've found it to be a valuable refresher every time I take it." C.G.

Indigenous Employment: Recruitment and Retention - Guided

Agriculture Agri-Food Canada

"I really enjoyed the training and our Trainer was excellent. I would definitely encourage all HR Staffing Advisors and Hiring Managers to attend the session. The training would give them so much insight as to how to improve their recruitment and retention of Indigenous People." J.M.

First Nations Financial Management Board

"This course allowed me to expand my already vast knowledge of recruitment and retention to focus on Indigenous candidates and employees. It provided me a much better understanding of the barriers we need to consider and break down. The course is full of useful information and tools for those focusing on Indigenous recruitment and retention." J.T.

Metro Vancouver

"A very interesting and valuable experience. I learned a lot and it gave me a good grounding in the basics of Indigenous Recruitment and Retention. It really made me think, and I liked how Bob responded to the questions with examples from his many years of experience. Having a booklet to work from and guide the class discussions in also invaluable. Well done!" M.P.

Recycle B.C.

"Bob Joseph has an abundance of knowledge about Indigenous Employment in regards to recruitment and more importantly retention. The four hours we spent in session has given the company new insights on our business and relationships with Indigenous applicants that we did not have previously." J.G.

Rogers Communications

Rogers logo

"This workshop for Indigenous employment enables our team to better understand how to benefit from and attract exceptional job candidates from Indigenous communities. I am looking forward to welcoming Indigenous candidates to our organization and developing mutually rewarding and long lasting relationships." A.L.

How to Negotiate with Indigenous Peoples - Guided

British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations

"How to Negotiate with Indigenous Peoples should be on the must-take list for most if not all employees of Government who may come into contact with FN for negotiation purposes." B.W.

"Excellent perspective on preparing for often difficult conversations that are absolutely necessary." C.C.

Colorado Resources Ltd.

"Excellent introduction to negotiating agreements with Indigenous People and pitfalls to avoid." L.N.

Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada

"Excellent training and trainer!" G.M.

Working with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Guided

Canadian Wildlife Service

"This is valuable training for anyone who works with Indigenous Peoples. It provides an understanding about Indigenous Peoples priorities and rights as stated in UNDRIP." R.M.

"Fantastic training that should become more universal. Training highlights the importance of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and applying the principle in day-to-day work life." W.H.

Government of BC

"Indigenous Relations Academy's "Working with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples" was a very informative course that helps to gain a better understanding of the Un Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples while providing examples of its interpretation and implementation in diverse contexts. Strongly recommended!" B.A.

"The course was planned and presented in manageable "chunks" so that it made it easier to do a few at a time and absorb the information in between the busy schedules that we all have. Also, the use of different types of videos, interviews, reading materials, and presentations was effective at getting information across to the audience. Bob Joseph is a wonderful instructor and spoke about topics with expertise in a way that was easy and clear to follow." N.M.

Impact Assessment of Canada

"The course was like a condensed undergraduate seminar on the Declaration. It was well structured and accessible for all participants, though it deals with very conceptual and legalistic terms and ideas. I think everyone who participated took something important away that will keep them thinking for years to come. Thanks so much for the great session!" K.

Public Safety Canada

"The session on UNDRIP really helped demystify the Declaration and led to important discussions around how our day to day work can influence, and be influenced by, the implementation of UNDRIP. A very good session to provide information and provoke thought." M.C.

Live Q&A

UBC Biodiversity Research Centre

"This was among the best training and online sessions I have taken. Rupert's wealth of knowledge was astonishing and his insight was really helpful for understanding the topics discussed. He had recommendations for actions and resources for further learning that made it clear as to the next steps we could take on our path to being better allies and collaborators." H.T.

Self-Guided Training

Indigenous Awareness - Self-Guided

CP Rail

"The oral matter-of-fact delivery of this e-learning, along with the humour, varied types of visuals, fact-based information and reinforcement through quizzes is excellent." K.G.

Destination Canada

"The information and material covered by this training was comprehensive yet digestible. It was great to be able to learn at one's own pace and review sections as necessary. I found myself going back over some sections just because it was so profound that I needed to properly digest it." B.

"This training was a really insightful, well-delivered course. The modules are split into bitesize, manageable chunks while still offering a lot of important information that has educated me on Indigenous history, culture, and current issues. I've learned a lot, and now feel ready to dive deeper into these topics to further expand my knowledge. Thank you!" K.W.


"The Indigenous Awareness Online Training course should be mandatory for every adult entering the workforce or taking post-secondary education. It's important we learn about the history of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, which is not taught nearly enough in school, and be able to share this knowledge with family, friends, and colleagues in order to have intelligent and compassionate discussions regarding Indigenous Canadians. This course was very easy to digest and Bob Joseph is a great teacher." S.N.

"I took this training as someone entering a new job where I would be dealing a lot with Indigenous peoples and issues. It was a great introduction and I learned a lot of valuable information. I would definitely take another course from Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. in the future." L.

"The Indigenous Awareness Online Training was practical, engaging, and accessible. It provides a great overview of some of the most common questions and issues in this area." J.F.

"I am so thankful to have taken this training. Our trainer was remarkably thoughtful and compassionate, and he took care to explain each subject with depth and according to our specific interests." J.C.

"Having completed coursework through Indigenous Corporate Training Inc., I feel better equipped to understand some of the First Nations issues much more clearly. I would highly recommend these courses to any organization that needs a deeper insight into this important topic." S.P.

Individual continued

"This is a good introduction to Indigenous Awareness and should be required training for every Canadian." L.K.

"Very informative! Even if you think you know a lot about Indigenous relations, I am sure this course will prove you otherwise." A.G.

"I really enjoyed this training‚ it was well organized, straightforward, and offered a lot of interesting information. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to know more about Indigenous Peoples." L.G.

Pacific Northern Gas

"This was by far the best training I have had to date on this topic, and I have both seen and participated in developing a few different versions. Prior to taking this training, I believed I was well-informed; I now realize how little I knew, and that there remains so much more to learn. The delivery of information was honest, candid and friendly, and the content revealed many important nuances in history that all non-indigenous Canadians should be aware of. I especially appreciated learning more about the historical and legal context of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. This complex topic was communicated in a way that was easy to understand and provided excellent context for where we are today." S.B.

Technical Safety BC

"Having done both in-person and virtual training with Indigenous Corporate Training before, I was curious to see how it would translate to self-paced online learning, and this course surpassed my expectations. The content was organized into concise, accessible individual lessons made up of diverse and engaging video and image content, supported by a downloadable e-book for future reference. A great primer for anyone looking to start their own educational journey in support of reconciliation." J.H.

Urban Systems

"I think every Canadian would benefit from a course like this. Especially the young generation for whom it should be a mandatory part of their school curriculum. I feel that courses such as these facilitate dialogue and may instill a more empathetic and understanding perspective on many of those whose views are shaped by anecdotal falsehoods instead of facts." C.L.

"Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. gives people the knowledge and tools necessary to begin to understand the issues facing Indigenous Peoples in Canada." T.B.

Indigenous Relations - Self-Guided


"Great course in learning to build Indigenous relationships and engaging early in all projects in a Nation's traditional lands." B.

"This was great training and I would recommend it to others." K.

"I highly recommend this to everyone. Not only for those in the workplace but this should be integrated into the regular school systems as a great educational tool. I will continue to use this information as it will help me in my personal and business relationships with friends and new friends [who are] members of Indigenous communities. Thank you." T.E.

Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® - Self-Guided

CCEM Strategies

"An excellent introduction to Indigenous Peoples in Canada, their history, culture, and the communications styles. Time well spent." B.F.

Canadian Coast Guard

"Taking this training is fundamental for anyone who is looking to build and maintain strong relationships with Indigenous Peoples, and the tools offered by the training can even be applied to any relationship-building." J.D.

Coast Mountain College

Coast Mountain College

"Taking this course online is a great way to learn a lot of information at your pace. I've learned a lot to take with me when meeting with Indigenous communities." A.D.

"Indigenous corporate training is not only desirable but essential for good relations and helping all Canadians participate in reconciliation." T.A.

Canada Revenue Agency

"This training was outstanding. For beginners who are new to the topic, it provided the right level of knowledge, understanding, and history to support beginning to develop respectful, effective, and informed relationships with Indigenous Peoples. I found it helpful, informative, and a resource that all public servants should be trained on. The reason I joined the Government of Canada was to make a positive difference in the lives of people, and supporting Reconciliation is a major part of that. I am looking forward to continued research and learning that was inspired by this training. Thank you for making this available." K.A.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans

"This was the most enjoyable course I have completed in regards to Indigenous Peoples relations. The balance of video lectures, visual aids and interaction made it for an engaging course." K.P.

"The course exceeded by expectations. The structure of how information was presented and navigation through the online platform was user-friendly. In particular, I really appreciated that the training provided a concrete workflow (the RESPECT model) for project planning and working with communities, and the case studies were also very informative. I’m sure I will be applying some of the concepts learned here in my work, and I will definitely be recommending this course to others." S.M.

"This training provided me with the information and tools required to improve relationship building with Indigenous peoples in Canada, and I am very grateful for this training experience as I learned a lot." J.C.

"A very complex matter broken down into digestible well [thought-out] pieces of rich and relevant information about a culture that spans centuries of forced change. You have provided a light for the path to understanding and reconciliation. This has changed my perception of Indigenous people right where I live and what I can do to be more thoughtful and supportive to my brothers and sisters of Indigenous heritage, Thank you!" W.J.


"The most impactful Indigenous training I have ever received. Every Canadian needs to have this training." N.R.

Fraser Basin Council

"Thank you for this crash course on Indigenous Peoples cultures in Canada, and the insights into Indigenous perspectives. While I was aware of some of the matters you discuss, it was reassuring to have what knowledge I have confirmed, and gratifying to have that knowledge expanded. The accompanying book will be very useful to use as reference. I look forward to further expanding my relationships with Indigenous friends and cultures – thank you! I would recommend this lovely course to others." C.

Global BC

Global BC logo

"This was a great training program, valuable to not only big businesses and corporations. I am in the media, and this training provided me insight into Indigenous history and culture that I can apply to my job." A.V.D.


"As an educator, I know how difficult it can be to discuss sensitive information with the students. Bob's presentation of Indigenous Peoples and their culture is easily understandable and confirms that there is not one process that will work in every situation and for every community. Even though there is still a lot of research and learning I would like to do in order to understand the Indigenous culture better, I think this course teaches the basics important for every person, not only in Canada but all around the world." A.S.

Inn from the Cold

"I am extremely thankful for completing the "Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples" training course, which will help me improve how I communicate with Indigenous Peoples in my personal and professional lives. Bob Joseph delivers this important training course with excellence, respect, passion, and deep knowledge." D.S.

National Capital Commission

"Cette formation est d'une qualité exceptionnelle. Elle m'a permis de bien saisir l'importance des relations et des différences qui font la richesse des premières nations du Canada. Ce regard actuel et les conseils offerts sont extrêmement précieux. Ils guideront mon approche et me permettront de participer humblement, à la réconciliation." C.L.

University of British Columbia

"Very informative and thorough training module, it covered all concepts!" R.N.

Indigenous Employment: Recruitment and Retention - Self-Guided


"This was an extremely educational experience. I learned about the barriers to Indigenous recruitment and directly applicable strategies to overcome them. I am energized to take these lessons back to my team and effect real change within my organization." H.C.

"I feel that this training has helped me to put a plan together with our new organization. This way we do not fall into the same pattern as other contractors with Indigenous employment, the goal is to retain the workforce, be an inclusive and safe workplace. This includes training within." C.L.

"I would highly recommend this course to those people who are interest[ed] in learning how to recruit, hire and retrain self-identified Indigenous employees at all levels of their organization. In doing so you will need to make a personal commitment to learn why, how and what to do .You will not be disappointed. The course is self-paced, making it easy to accommodate individual learning styles and needs. Well done and thank you!!" E.G.

"This course provided some very useful and practical tools, resources, and training. I would definitely recommend it." A.B.


Natural Resources

AMEC Earth and Environment

"A great refresher, takes all the need-to-know information about Aboriginal issues and puts it in one easily understandable seminar." K.S.

"Very informative and an excellent introduction to conducting discussions with Aboriginal peoples." M.W.

"The course left me wanting to learn more. Thanks." S.G.

Hatfield Consultants

"Instructor is an excellent presenter. The course was interesting, informative and extremely relevant to my work." T.P.

"I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this topic, and highly endorse others to experience for themselves the quality of the training. You will learn lots in a short time and enjoy the experience." A.J.

Knight Piesold

"A valuable introduction for decision-makers and managers in the natural resource sector." R.K.

SNC Lavalin

"Overall a great presentation on aboriginal issues and consultation." K.H.

"A great course for people who have little or no idea about working with Aboriginal Peoples." K.K.

Stantec – Jacques Whitford Ltd. – AXYS Environmental

"In the last 8 hours, I learned more about Aboriginal Peoples, rights, issues of importance and social context, than I have in the 31 years up til now! Thanx for the great introduction to these important issues!" M.P.

"A good honest look at relations with Aboriginal Peoples and a good toolkit to allow open safe dialogue to commence." M.T.

"Highly informative. Definitely changed many of my strategies for working with Aboriginal Peoples." B.R.

Worley Parsons

"Bob was full of great information. Some of it I had been exposed to but he did a very thorough job of further explaining and clarifying." T.B.

Forest Companies

Abitibi Consolidated Inc.

"The information provided to the group was informative and very relevant to our situation." C.G.

"The future is somewhat clearer." D.D.

Aleza Lake Research Forest Society

"I appreciated the forthright discussion of historical & cultural issues in this course, and how to better build bridges with communities." M.J.

Burns Lake Community Forest

"Lively and engaging presentation." J.M.

Cowichan Lake Community Forest Co-op

"Very good – essential for anyone engaged in communications with Aboriginal Peoples." S.L.

Forest Practices Board

"Robert knows his topic area very well and has excellent presentation skills." B.D. – Board Member

"Comprehensive workshop by a knowledgeable presenter – excellent historical context with good practical information, with considerable first hand experience." M.N.

"Bob’s an amazing, knowledgeable rapid-fire speaker that will openly help you to effectively work with aboriginal peoples." A.P.

International Forest Products Ltd.

"Anyone hoping to succeed in relationships with Aboriginal Peoples should take this course – its much easier than figuring out how to get your foot out of your mouth..." M.L.

"I gained valuable knowledge of the legal aspects surrounding First Nations consultation and insight into maintaining good relationships." M.C.

"This training provided a refreshing + positive approach to building effective relationships that I look forward to incorporating into my relationships with Aboriginal Peoples." T.P.

Likely Qatsull Community Forest Ltd.

"fast paced, non-confrontational, open & made a huge topic manageable." J.S-S.

Lower North Thompson Community Forest

"Strong recommendation as a step toward better relations." H.W.

McLeod Lake/Mackenzie Community Forest

"Tremendous insight into F/N thinking." R.C.

Paradigm Forestry Consulting Ltd

"Bob’s workshop provides an excellent review of the issues facing Aboriginal Peoples. He presents with style and humour and contributes to a better understanding of cultural issues to land managers." G.M.


"Every person in Canada should take this training. It is truly eye-opening, important, and helpful." J.H.

"Trainer was engaging, incorporating his own history and referencing attendees' personal experiences. I opted to stay for the afternoon session because the content was informative, interesting, and delivered in a manner that did not feel like a training session." A.A.

"I would recommend this training session for all professionals who would be involved in relations with Indigenous peoples.” C.H.

Weldwood of Canada Ltd.

"This course gave me a better understanding of the history and issues with Aboriginal People." M.S.

West Fraser

West Fraser logo

"This training was the best I have taken on Aboriginal affairs. Very informative and directly applicable to our business and relations with First Nations." B.B.

"Articulate, humorous and a wealth of good information. I thoroughly enjoyed this course." M.S.

"As an Indigenous man (Métis) it helps me understand the history that we have had with Canada. It will also help me to continue with Indigenous Peoples relations successfully!" N.G.

Western Forest Products

"A wealth of information presented in an easy to understand manner." M.B.

Gas Companies


"Awesome workshop – very informative & interesting." S.B.


"Absolutely fascinating and informative session that has increased my knowledge of Aboriginal Peoples and collaborating with them in the future." T.D.

BC Oil & Gas Commission

"This was by far one of the best sessions on working with First Nations communities and Indigenous Peoples that I have taken in my career. The material was presented in a relevant, applicable, and engaging manner. In one day we covered generations of history, it's impacts, and the basics of engaging in meaningful ways. The course creates a strong foundation in understanding the complex and often traumatic relationships of the past and how they affect our present day workings with indigenous peoples. Highly recommended!" M.E.

"As an individual actively working towards a career working with Indigenous Peoples, I would highly recommend others take this training. It was factual, informative, and engaging. I look forward to participating in more courses offered by Indigenous Corporate Training Inc." A.P.

Chevron Canada Limited

"These few hours out of my day helped me understand the numerous differences between Aboriginal groups and how to effectively build meaningful relationships." A.S.

"I enjoyed learning about the rich culture of the First nations and the right way to communicate respectfully." O.S.

"I work with Aboriginal Peoples daily, this training provided me with knowledge and info, which will help me complete my job better and more effective. Great Job Bob!" M.Z.

Duke Energy & Gas Transmission

"This is a very touchy subject but was delivered in a concise way with examples of testimony & legal decisions." M.G.

"Learned more at this course than I had expected." R.K.

Enbridge Pipelines

"Critical for companies to understand, acknowledge & effectively address the need for aboriginal involvement in decision making & benefits regarding doing business in traditional territories." J.C.

"This workshop was highly informative. Including the perspectives and experiences of First Nation elders and leaders sets this workshop apart from other Aboriginal awareness training programs." R.D.

"Very helpful course to give an understanding of the complexities & considerations when working with different First Nations & Communities." G.F.


"Real world, applicable to my job." J.G.


Fortis BC logo

"Flavio is an excellent, engaging presenter who is clearly passionate and knowledgeable of Aboriginal culture and awareness!" D.W.

"This is essential learning for all Canadians, but especially so for anyone working with indigenous peoples. The material is rich and well resourced. And the environment provides attendees who are new to this information in a safe place to process this new knowledge. I strongly encourage any organization to provide this training to its employees."

Fortis BC continued

Fortis BC logo

"I attend lots of workshops, I consider them a good use of time if I get one or two gems of information. In Bob's workshop, there were more gems than I could count." B.D.

"The facilitator was wonderful. I can't say enough about how enthusiastic, knowledgeable and engaging he was. I went into the session with very little knowledge, and frankly biases and inaccurate opinions about Indigenous peoples in Canada but I also went to the session with an open mind and eager to learn. And learn I did! It was fascinating, heartbreaking and humbling - while also being inspiring. What a combination. It was fantastic and left me wanting to learn more." J.M.

Husky Energy

"Very informative course. Really appreciate shedding light on the Aboriginal Peoples’ perspective which will be very helpful when doing consultation. Will recommend to my colleagues." J.L.

Imperial Oil

"Very enjoyable + informative course. Excellent mix of history, current issues + practical tips." J.L.

Indian Oil

"Understanding the needs of Aboriginal People." M.M.


"It is interesting to learn Canadian history through First Nations perspectives." Y.K.

Pacific Northwest LNG

"A great primer for those working with FN in their territories." W.B.

"Concise and easy to understand program." S.S.

Penn West Exploration

"Very 'safe' course – can ask anything and not feel stupid/silly." T.N.

"Being a FN member taking this course has enlightened me in the message that is being relayed to non-Aboriginal people and how to work effectively in Aboriginal communities." D.G.

Progress Energy Canada Limited

"Informative and interactive – great course." A.M.

Shell Canada Limited

"A good overview of a complex area. Appreciated the matter-of-fact delivery of sensitive topics." A.M.

"Very knowledgeable workshop with a practical approach to working with and understanding aboriginal peoples. Every oil & gas person in consultation should take this course." K.M.

Strad Energy Services

"Very informative and educational. Taught by an expert who has deployed and used the course information successfully in real-life scenarios." G.N.

TransCanada Pipelines (Coastal GasLink)

"Was a fantastic course. Provided an informative balance of history and valuable functional information within a comfortable environment." K.K.

"Very informative, history to current day environment was covered. Strongly recommend for anyone contemplating business opportunities in BC." D.D.

Trans Mountain Pipelines

"Bob talks fast & provides insight in every breath. Make sure you come with an empty mind because it will be full when you're done." C.H.

Mining Companies

BC & Yukon Chamber of Mines

"I gained a much more informative perspective on land claims issues and aboriginal attitudes to exploration." L.P.

Coalspur Mines

"I would recommend this training to anyone wanting to learn more about Aboriginal Peoples. I found it very informative, learned a lot about the history of Aboriginal peoples. Bob was a very engaging speaker. I am looking forward to taking Aboriginal Consultation + Engagement tomorrow." S.F.

Colorado Resources Ltd.

"Excellent introduction to negotiating agreements with Indigenous People and pitfalls to avoid." L.N.

Expatriate Resources

"Improved my understanding of First Nations view on Treaties and resource development and provided useful guidance to realign consultation with First Nations." H.M.

Hillsborough Resources – Quinsam Coal

"I really liked the format of the course and the instructional book is very informative." S.G.

Huckleberry Mine

"Worthwhile spending the time to learn how to approach 1st nations." B.M.

Hunter Dickinson Inc.

"Workshop leader knowledgeable, sets excellent pace and his presentation style is calming and enjoyable, assisting understanding of material." S.G.

Orca Sand and Gravel

"Excellent for companies just stepping into negotiations with Aboriginal Peoples." A.F.

"This information should be accessed by all resource-based companies operating in Canada." J.B.

Pacific Booker Minerals Inc.

"I would recommend this course to all resource developers." J.S. also Vancouver Métis Community Association

Rio Tinto

"Real, down-to-earth information and wise council." G.H.

Skyline Gold Corp.

"Very informative, new perspective on major issues facing corporations, great message in do's and don'ts." J.S.

Teck Resources Ltd.

"Definitely has increased my knowledge of issues with Aboriginal peoples." D.R.

"A comprehensive and thorough training program which was able to give insight/awareness in a neutral and insightful manner. A true Subject matter expert." P.S.

"Bob Joseph was a great, engaging teacher. I feel like I have a much better perspective and can facilitate more productive and sincere communication with Indigenous Peoples and other diverse communities going forward. He brought humor and common sense to what could have been difficult training. Definitely would recommend!" J.H.

TerraLogic Exploration Inc.

"I’ve often linked Bob’s site to expose myths about First Nations people. The site, the book, and the workshop have all been very good resources for me." T.G.

Western Keltic Mines Inc.

"I have attended numerous workshops on dealings with Aboriginal Peoples and this was far and away the best." J.M.

Yukon Zinc

"Bob provided a good range of topics and delivered very practical strategies for industry, government and organizations." S.D.

Utility Companies

BC Hydro

"Bob answers the questions that many are afraid to ask." K.W.

"Bob offers a valuable mix of the issues, the interests and the business. We all need to understand how to work with other people and groups and Aboriginal Peoples need a separate focus." R.R.

"The material was applicable to any job and was delivered expertly. The detailed and extensive knowledge the trainer had was presented in a way that anyone could understand." A.M.

"The training was very useful and very informative to my area of work as a project manager, it will help me to mitigate FN risks in my planning. (Trainer, Claire Marshall) A.A.

BC Transmission Corporation

"Bob did an excellent job of dealing with an area that has many positive & negative issues in a way that was objective but positive." R.M.

"An excellent session. It reinforced some of my experiences and provided enlightenment as to why some outcomes had occurred." B.C.

"Very good manner, approachable, this is a potentially “hot button” issue for many people and Bob has the right personality to deliver contentious information." G.S.

"Excellent information as always, Bob! These sessions are some of the most valuable I have received in my professional development." T.W.

BC Utilities Commission

"This training will open your eyes about the history of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Compelling!" A.F.

"This is an excellent introduction to learning about Indigenous people in Canada." C.B.

"This course is current, relevant, and non-judgemental, as well as accessible by non-specialists. Well worth the time invested." B.L.


"Fantastic! I found Bob to be extremely intelligent, personable and easy to approach. The material was well thought out and very informative." J.B.

"If you want to know about proper communication with Aboriginal Peoples this is the session for you." W.R.

"I think that this workshop is completely necessary… In fact I think it should be mandatory… because too many people are left in the dark regarding the Aboriginal community. And when people are misinformed they draw their own conclusions." D.W.


"This is a great introduction to Aboriginal history, affairs and consultation." A.L.


Fortis BC logo

"Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. brought a lot of insight to the journey of Canadian history in a balanced, respectful and engaging manner." J.McH.

Houle Electric Limited

"A great orientation and perspective into working with Aboriginal Peoples. Instructor was engaging and impressively energetic throughout the entire 1-day course." A.L.

"Very Educational. A real eye opener about history and how to properly respect Aboriginal Peoples in order to do and continue to do business." J.D.

Hydro One

"Found information delivered very interesting and helpful in working effectively with Aboriginal Peoples." F.O.

"An excellent overview of what is important to help a consultation and relationship with aboriginal peoples flourish." C.O.

Independent Electricity System Operator

"This is the best training session I have ever experienced at the IESO. I have never seen such honesty, professionalism, and dignity, as I saw on that day." S.G.

"The training that I received from Flavio gave me a truer appreciation of the history behind Indigenous peoples in Canada. I believe the truth that Flavio contributed will go a long way to bringing awareness to the needed reconciliation among our valued communities. Thank you so much." S.H.

Ontario Power Generation

"The 6 hours I spent here will save me Hundreds." B.R.

"Bob presented the information with a sincere interest in encouraging us to understand the need to build relationship with First Nations & Métis People." J.G.

"Packed with useful information on Aboriginal Peoples issues, values & ways corporations need to focus on consultation & relationship building." W.C.

"Excellent presentation. Your advice was practical and clear, better yet you told us why things work or may not." N.S.

"Must have training for anyone who interacts with Aboriginal People… All of us." R.C.

Small to Large Sized Businesses

2 Badgers Consulting Inc.

"We recommend Bob and the training all the time because we have seen the results and success of taking the course." G.A.

A. Schori Consultants Inc.

"Mr. Joseph provides an excellent overview of the Aboriginal Peoples’ perspective. His presentation is non-confrontational; this enables the audience to be receptive and respond with objective listening." A.S.

Allied Container Systems Incorporated

"Appreciate the openness of discussion and particularly of the presentation & presenter. - All from a place of respect, knowledge, & integrity of the topic." L.T.

Alpha Safety Ltd.

"Anyone desiring to work or interact with First Nations would receive much help from this workshop." D.P.

Ames Environmental

"This has been an excellent & very relevant workshop for our needs today! Thank you! It has been very well organized!" S.A.


"An excellent course, with great presentation covering a broad range of information that is pertinent to present and future engagements with Indigenous peoples." B.T.

"Great training session! Bob shared wealth of valuable stories, experiences, facts, tips etc that grabbed my interest and will directly impact my role and set me up for success in engaging/consulting/partnering with Indigenous communities." R.A.

"The training was very thoughtful and practical. I am able to incorporate it into my every day work. The trainers created a positive, open, safe environment for learning." K.M-C.

"This course was informative, interesting, interactive and fun. Bob and Claire are both very knowledgeable, approachable, professional and down to earth." M.K.

"Indigenous history is broad and complex, but the knowledgeable instructors simplified significant events and provided a comprehensive overview of the history, values and legal precedents that will help me to work effectively with Indigenous communities." C.C.

"In my lifetime, I have not taken the time or effort to truly become educated on Indigenous history and culture; This session was a wonderful overview that has started to broaden my opinions and thoughts, I look forward to working with Indigenous peoples and cultivating positive relationships with them in the rest of my career." D.B.

Baird & Associates

"A wonderfully structured program that prompts some very informative discussions!" H.M.

Canada Lands Company

"I learned more about aboriginal + First Nations Peoples at the course then I ever did in school. Would love to have it over 2 days to get more in depth." M.N.

"An invaluable opportunity to better understand our country’s challenged relationship with Indigenous Peoples allowing for a stronger appreciation of Indigenous history and perspective." R.H.

Cascade Environmental

"Excellent information + resources for future dealings with aboriginal peoples. A must for beginning to build cross-cultural relationships." K.A.

Catalyst Papers

"Bob is really is a knowledgeable and fantastic speaker. He brings a deep and balanced understanding of Indigenous People issues." F.P.

"The knowledge of the instructor - as a Tseshalt FN(First Nations) member, Bob hit the nail right on the head about FN(First Nations) issues." A.B.

"Phenomenal knowledge and experience bringing real life practical examples to the group. Open, honest dialogue lead to genuine discussion." K.H.

CCS Corporation-Hazco Env.

"If there were more Bob’s in the world... or perhaps in government and industry..." J.A. Concord Well Servicing

CE Jones & Associates Ltd.

"Valuable opportunity for anyone working with First Nations. Provided clear examples of cultural and social differences to be aware of when consulting." S.W.

Civic Engineering Services Ltd.

"This training is a must for anyone who deals with Aboriginal Peoples in a professional capacity." H.P.

The ClearView Group

"Practical, relevant and insightful - very helpful." D.G.

CN Rail

"Amazing instructor, amazing experience and I think this course should be mandatory for groups working with Aboriginal Peoples." T.K.

Community Futures Development Corporation – Central Okanagan

"Fantastic opportunity for insight. Liked the ability to ask pertinent questions." E.G.

DBA Associates Inc.

"The in-depth knowledge and experience of the trainer was particularly impressive." D.B.


"Great session for a wide variety of backgrounds. Bob offers practical advice in an engaging and entertaining way." M.W.

DP World (Canada) Inc.

"This course provided me with a better understanding of the history, context and values that will assist in developing positive relationships." S.S.

Durable Solutions Inc.

"Bob provided a balance of perspective experience and well chosen anecdotes that gave not only practical tools but a much broader understanding of the mind set necessary to deal effectively with APS." J.M.

F & M Installations Ltd.

"The open forum for discussions was well managed by the speaker and allowed great interaction by the group." B.L.

Federated Co-operatives Limited

"Very important background to move forward with Aboriginal consultation and improving relationships." M.J.

Four Seasons Resort

"An eye opener, lots of good information. The workshop was well organized & relevant to the transient nature of recruitment in Whistler." R.V.

Fraction Energy

"Bob Joseph and his team deliver a comprehensive compelling presentation on the fundamentals of effectively working with Aboriginal People." C.B.

Garden Works

"This session was definitely an eye opener, both in history and the realization that most of us no not know the truths. Rob was a great teacher and his personal stories made it so real." K.S.

General Electric Capital

"An essential set of tools and awareness which are critical for any hope of being successful when engaging Aboriginal Peoples." K.S.

Golder Associates

"Provided an excellent background for me in ways to deal with Aboriginal Peoples (see I’ve learnt already!) and to understand the context of their perspective." M. E.

Great Circle Consulting

"I found this workshop to be very informative & was delivered from “the ground up” for a better understanding." S.G.

Kerr Wood Leidal

"Bob and Flavio are masterful communicators with an incredible breadth of knowledge on the historic and present issues in Indigenous politics. They set a strong foundation for further learning & discussion." R.L.

Keystone Environmental

"The information presented was factual, concise and relevant to modern discourse with Indigenous Peoples. Flavio presented the sensitive material in a clear and effective manner, accessible to all attendees." C.H.

Krueger Electrical Ltd.

"Very educational and interesting." O.K.


"I was very pleased with the material. The book was very good and enjoyable read." A.S.

Lehigh Northwest Materials Ltd.

"Excellent workshop. Cleared up my misunderstanding of the treaty issues in B.C. Canada." C.C.

"Gave me a new perspective on dealing with Aboriginal Peoples both from the business perspective and on a personal basis." D.W.

Lions Gate Investigations Group

"Bob is a true expert & professional with a passion to see that we are successful to effectively work with Aboriginal Peoples." I.C.

London Drugs

London Drugs logo

"Outstanding, an incredible, knowledgeable speaker with a course that is applicable for participants of various knowledge levels. I would recommend to anyone." A.N.

"This seminar provided the most practical information that I’ve ever received from any other seminar." M.K.

London Drugs continued

London Drugs logo

"Fascinating, informative, and very engaging – I am looking forward to much more contact with our local Aboriginal community." P.M.

"Helped me to understand a lot of the cultural differences and tips on working with the community." R.G.

Mosaic Homes

"Great practical advice, accessible, and well articulated." A.P.

"Bob is a gifted orator and a wealth of knowledge. His stories alone are worth the time and expense of the training." A.H.

Moose Mountain Technical Services

"Having an interest in the progression of industry – aboriginal relations, this course has given me an informed and interesting appreciation for the issues on the table today and in the future." J.G.

Morrow Environmental Consultants Inc.

"I really enjoyed your presentation and, within one week, had an opportunity to incorporate some of the information into my work… I modified my approach somewhat to make sure I properly introduced the work and the meeting, indicated that we wanted to identify community-sensitive dates for the site visits and the modified approach also helped to identify key issues that might have represented major insults…Your seminar has also helped us to define, in cooperation with the Band, capacity building components that we have now incorporated into our work program." L.W.


"This training provided a much deeper understanding of what the Indigenous people of Canada have experienced since first contact. Knowing the true history of our country is very important for all of us to allow us to embrace reconciliation and move forward together. I would recommend this course to anyone and especially to citizens of Canada." K.O.

"Profound, impactful course material. One of the best courses I've ever participated in. Just wish it could have come years sooner." M.D.

Murphy Construction

"This course holds no boundaries to the relevance and value to all levels of government, corporate or community training and education. The knowledge gained, and understanding of Aboriginal Peoples history that lead to today's need for consultation, and acknowledgment, invaluable." A.B.

"Great training + information to help me be better informed + interact with much better content + perspective." M.C.

Ontario SPCA

"Bob did an excellent job by ensuring examples that were used in the class were applicable to the attendees." J.C.

Pelly Construction

"I thank you for your knowledge. With moving forward in building relations with First Nations. I leave here today with excellent knowledge." A.C.

Port Metro Vancouver

"Amazing workshop. Bob presented complex material in a truly engaging - and even entertaining way. I look forward to working with Bob again." J.K.

"It clarified a lot of the context around ideas and phrases I've heard my whole life." J.P.

"Couldn't think of a better way to spend a day. I appreciated the deep dive into the history and context as a baseline of today's realities. Too often we skate over the past and focus only on the future. Even though I work in Indigenous Relations every day, I found this exceptionally valuable as this is an area of practice that is continually evolving." J.D.

"As someone not born in Canada, I've had limited exposure to the history between Canada and the Indigenous peoples here. Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples did an excellent job going through that history and then tying it to the state of those relationships today. I would highly recommend this training for anyone interested in better understanding and relating to indigenous peoples." S.P.

Public Safety Canada

"An excellent, practical and useful program of training with extremely knowledgeable and experienced trainers." M.C.



"Engaging and well-delivered. Highly recommended and I feel this is an important course for any Canadian to take. Even if you're knowledgeable on the subject, there are impactful sections that will stick with you. There's good humour in there as well!" M.M.


"Excellent overview of history, of political developments and pivotal legal decisions, that shape relationships and expectations." R.W.

Rogers Communications

Rogers logo

"The content was meaningful and relevant and will help us as an organization and as individuals. The instructor was able to deliver the content with credibility, competence and an accessible style that really hit the mark." T.S.

Romyr Creations Inc

"A very meaningful experienced based workshop with valuable practical ideas and strategies for developing mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal Peoples." R.S.

RT Ventures Ltd.

"Course and course leader were excellent. Bob dispelled a lot of preconceived ideas about First Nations. I learned a lot!" R.E.

Silvacom Ltd.

"I can wholeheartedly testify that what I've learned will be applicable in my personal and professional life." Z.C.

SLR Consulting

"I am so happy that my organization made this training available to us. It was very eye-opening and gave me a different perspective on terms and interactions with Indigenous People." D.D.

Source Environmental Associates

"Very well organized and a lot of great examples of practical 'dos & don'ts' for engaging First Nations communities." G.F.

Spiritwest Management

"I’ve been working and living with Aboriginal Peoples all my 50 years and I still learned a lot. Thank you." R.Mc.

SustaiNet Software

"Very informative day. You have given me much to consider and apply to the understanding of the work. Very well presented." C.E.


"Detailed plus insightful training from a knowledgeable plus engaging instructor. Highly practical, culturally plus historically grounded." T.C.

"Understanding how to work effectively and respectfully with Aboriginal Peoples within our region and country can only strengthen relationships for future business concerns. I feel confident after this training to be able to achieve that." A.C.

"It was easy to understand the concept for all levels very engaging and informative." S.T.

UniTrust Protection Services Canada Ltd.

"The workshop was time well spent in the search for understanding of how to engage with the First Nations community in a respectful and productive manner." S.T.

Urban Systems

"Bob's extensive first-hand knowledge is exceptionally valuable and is presented in a memorable way so that you could learn from it." A.H.

"The Working Effectively Workshop opened my eyes to the lens through which Aboriginal Peoples see those wishing to engage in consultation. I have gained an appreciation for Aboriginal Peoples history and culture. 10 out of 10 Thanks, Bob." J.L.

"This was one of the most effective courses I have ever taken – Bob boils down convoluted & complex issues into the key components & messages. Excellent course!" T.Z.

Westworth Associates Environmental

"The loss of an accurate account of our history is disappointing. I learned more about indigenous people today than I did in highschool." L.B.

"There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings that exist in the North American society surrounding our Aboriginal peoples, this course dispelled these notions and explained how to interact with Aboriginal peoples in a respectful and mutually beneficial manner." J.K.

"Bob Joseph did a great job of showing us how to integrate the fast-paced corporate world with the community." W.H.

Whistler Blackcomb

"Building relationships with first nations has been shrouded in misunderstanding, assumptions & misinformation. Bob helps to pull back the shroud in (a) high level and non-threatening program. I learned a lot and realized how much more there is to learn." K.B.

Financial Institutions

Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation

"It was a pleasure to take part in the Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples one-day workshop, where we were provided with a solid foundation to know how to better work with our Indigenous partners and colleagues. Flavio is an excellent trainer - knowledgeable, approachable and engaging. I would recommend this workshop to anyone wanting to broaden their knowledge of how to work with Indigenous Peoples. K.H.

"This session was amazing. It felt "hands on" even though we talked about issues that most assign to existing in the "past". The Trainer has excellent examples that make currently sensitized situations in the media relevant. I felt this did a great job adding context to the history of the issues for those in the room who were not aware of why they are still culturally significant in modern times. I have let my friends and family know I have attended this training and I was excited to share with them the holistic cultural impact it had on me. The session strongly contributed to my personal desire to be an ally to a variety of cultures and the issues that are dear to them." A.O.

"I highly recommend Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples to any organization, or individuals, who will be entering into working relationships with Indigenous Peoples. Although I have had many Indigenous persons in my circle all my life, and have lived close to many of the stories they tell of their struggles, I still came away with a better understanding of the work to be done as we move toward reconciliation." J.W.

Coastal Community Credit Union

"Engagement. Energy. Active, not passive. Great to see the First Nations reaching out to educate us." G.S.

"A fantastic learning experience filled with suggestions and recommendations on how credit unions can establish strong business relationships with Aboriginal Peoples" B.D.

Connor, Clark and Lunn

"A frank discussion filled with insight on dealing with first nations. VERY HELPFUL." K.L.

"Very interesting all encompassing course on how indigenous people function." W.M.

Ernst and Young

"Deeply knowledgeable, highly sensitive and very eloquent – Thank you, Bob, has been incredibly enlightening." E.M.

"This content should be required for all Canadians. I particularly appreciated how the information was presented factually without judgment. This enabled the audience to understand "what has actually happened" to Indigenous communities without getting defensive. I strongly recommend this course!" C.S.

"Discussing the history and social issues surrounding indigenous people in Canada is a deeply polarizing topic. Flavio did a great job in presenting deeply controversial topics in an objective and neutral manner which allowed the attendees to reflect deeply about the matter without retreating into polarized camps. Walking this razor's edge as it evolved through the day took incredible skill and emotional intelligence. Bravo!" G.N.

Northern Savings Credit Union

"Bob provided good examples and thoughts about how we can professionally conduct business with Aboriginal peoples." M.M.

Northern Savings Credit Union continued

"I really enjoyed the pace and content of the workshop. Bob was great facilitator and full of knowledge. I learned a lot and will be able to apply this knowledge to my day to day work." G.W.

"Essential to any credit union thinking of launching an Aboriginal banking initiative." M.T.

RBC Royal Bank of Canada

"Excellent cultural awareness seminar. Bob is obviously well qualified to deliver very well articulated, balanced perspective with valuable insight on relationship building within FN/Aboriginal Peoples Community!" T.K.

"This was the best use of my time – I learned a heck of a lot in a very entertaining way. Bob is a fabulous communicator. The training guide is excellent." I.J.

"Broke down some of the disinformation I wasn’t even aware I was being influenced by." K.S.

"I really enjoyed the humor. I also appreciated the neutral delivery." K.M.


"A great way to bridge the gap between the financial aspects of Aboriginal and Caucasian people." C.M.

TD Bank Group

"Outstanding workshop! I would encourage anyone currently or looking to work with Aboriginal Peoples to enroll asap!" S.G.

"Everything was great. The right amount of time and the right amount of information. I really enjoyed learning and listening to Flavio. He delivered this information with true passion and knowledge. So happy to have the opportunity to participate in this training session. Thank you." D.

"This is training I wish every Canadian had access to and the will to take. It is such an important part of our nations' history and culture. Understanding the history and culture of Canada's indigenous people is critical to moving forward towards reconciliation, both in business and as nations." K.G.

"Everyone should experience this training as it's impactful regardless of your profession. I highly recommend it!" M.D.

TD Waterhouse Trust

"Fantastic opportunity for my own personal as well as professional development on communicating respectfully and developing relationships with aboriginal communities." H.R.

"I was able to gain a more complete understanding of the wide scope of issues affecting Aboriginal Peoples. The course will help me avoid several insensitivities I could have and may still make, but I will have the tools to reduce my ignorance." M.C.

TD Wealth Management

"The first step in the right direction in the general population understanding Canada's history is educate, this is the perfect place to start." C.G.

Vancity Credit Union

"I couldn't recommend this training more. Flavio was an excellent facilitator, providing an impressive amount of historical information in a relatively limited amount of time. The session was engaging, deeply informative, and made applicable to our organizational context. Thank you!" K.R.

Federal Government

Canada Revenue Agency

"Absolutely wonderful and extremely informative! One of the best training seminars I have ever attended! Thank you so much." K.T.

"I learned a lot about Indigenous Peoples. The book is fantastic! Bob was very down to earth and had a very casual delivery which made the course more interesting." M.L.

"Mr. Joseph is extremely knowledgeable and takes the time to get to know each attendee's particular difficulties. He adapted his approach skillfully." N.G.

Canadian Museum of History

"Highly recommend this training. So much knowledge and answering questions opens the conversation without the awkwardness. Good for anyone that works directly with Indigenous peoples or just general knowledge." S.B.

Canadian Wildlife Service

"Bob is remarkable in his ability to convey complex information and deal with the range of issues related to working with Aboriginal communities."

"A wealth of practical information with a historic and cultural context that will be invaluable for anyone working with Indigenous peoples." W.E.

Coast Guard

"This training has provided information, experience and awareness which I can immediately bring to my job - Project preparation and on-sight construction." K.D.

Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada

"Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples was an incredibly well-delivered and intelligently constructed learning experience. The instructor, Rupert, was an excellent teacher and I am so thankful that have had the opportunity to learn from him in this collaborative, informative, and conversational setting. I would recommend this course to anyone and everyone, and if your occupation involves working with Indigenous Peoples, then you should have signed up for this course yesterday!" D.G.

"If I was king for a day, I would use Bob to provide his training sessions to all members of staff within DFO who have to consult and negotiate with Aboriginal Groups/Bands. …the insight that he gives with his course will provide us with a new way of conducting many of the meetings that we attend." S.R. A/Chief of Training and Standards

"Every civil servant should take this course. Given the depth of such a topic, I thought you touched on important points that enlightened me today. This was a great introductory seminar down to the basics beginning with how to approach First Nations – Finding out about them, their customs & culture. It would’ve been better if this course was expanded over two days or longer." J.O.

DFO Canada Species at Risk Program

"Interesting and engaging training! The instructors are very open to questions and give no judgment. I hope to take more training in the near future!" S.S.

Environment Canada

"After working with First Nations peoples on issues for the past 10+ years I thought I was aware of the issues. Bob opened my eyes and answered questions I didn’t know I had. Well worth my time." R.W.

"I really appreciated the factual, non-defensive, non-controversial manner in which I could learn about some controversial issues." C.P.

"Throughout my career, working with Aboriginal Peoples was a priority but I always held back out of fear of saying/doing something wrong. When I tried I was met with little success. Now I know. I was doing it wrong. Thanks to this course I feel confident in moving forward engaging Aboriginal Peoples in conservation conversations." T.S.

Federal Treaty Negotiation Office

"I recommend that every BC private sector company in the resource industry should have their employees take this course to aid them in the understanding of Aboriginal issues in BC." M.G.

Greater Victoria Port Authority

"An excellent historical understanding of the Indigenous People and great information on effective relations." C.L.

"This course should be mandatory for executives, sr managers, and board members who are dealing with or will be facing First Nations. Invaluable education with strong takeaway learning materials." E.D.

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada

"Dynamic course, which has provided me with new tools and knowledge that I can apply to my work to make it more effective and respectful." B.U.

"Packed full of knowledge, wisdom, common sense and practical tips. Useful for everyone who works with Aboriginal peoples." C.R.

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada continued

"This training session was superb. I found it very enlightening and beneficial for me and my interactions with Indigenous People. Bob was a fantastic presenter. He took the time to go around and chat with everyone in the room and created a great environment for everyone to participate in the discussions." K.G.

Indigenous Services Canada

"I really enjoyed this training. I think it has given me the potential to be a great presenter. Bob Joseph was a great facilitator and a great resource for the future." D.W.

"This is a phenomenal course, delivered exceptionally well. Flavio, utilizing effective communication techniques, provides a really powerful experience that is both understandable and practical. Thank you for such a wonderful experience." F.A.

"I think every Canadian should take this course. It is astounding how little I knew before going into the training. It is just the starting point of learning about Canada from a different point of view, but it was a great eye-opener." J.

Infrastructure Canada

"A great training session - Bob provided a lot of insight and info in a condensed amount of time - he has empathy for both sides of the table which provides an excellent balance." C.B.

"Amazing! I wish and think everyone should and or could enjoy the opportunity to learn from Bob!" D.C.

Natural Resources Canada

"Bob's depth and breadth knowledge of Indigenous affairs is impressive. His passion for sharing that knowledge shines through." A.H.

"An excellent course, with real-life anecdotes and stories that reinforced the key messages in the presentation and written materials." B.T.

"In my role as Forestry Officer for Natural Resources Canada's Indigenous Forestry Initiative, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to travel around BC and Yukon meeting with Indigenous community members and leaders, and learn about history, cultures, and practices. The day spent went Bob is invaluable to helping me build stronger understanding and relationships." M.S.

"I found Flavio's training very entertaining and enlightening. I learned a great deal about indigenous culture and the false perceptions and misunderstandings I had. This course was a real eye-opener and has left me wanting more." R.B.

"This is a highly valuable workshop that I think everyone should take as part of their Indigenous awareness training. Not only is it comprehensive and well taught, but it helps you consider things that you never had before!" S.W.

Parks Canada

"This workshop provided me basic essential knowledge and advice in project planning with First Nations groups." E.Y.

"This has been a very meaningful workshop to me on both a professional and personal level. Need more of this! LEARNED A LOT!" S.K.

"I've attended several workshops over the years about working with Aboriginal Peoples. Bob’s workshop was by far the best." R.M.

Prince Rupert Port Authority

"Flavio was very knowledgeable and a great presenter. In one day his course has the power to change your perception of religion, government and aboriginal rights in BC and globally. Be prepared for the harsh realities of British colonialism." R.T.

"Flavio presented the history of the Indigenous People effectively in a safe, non-judgmental way. It was a pleasure and privilege to attend the workshop." D.C.

Public Services and Procurement Canada

"This course was informative and useful to my current position while being a great gate to more learning." C.O.

"I started from step 1 in terms of knowledge and understanding of working with Indigenous peoples but now I feel better equipped to take my learning and understanding to the next level." D.K.

"Great course, very relevant to someone in the Public Service." P.C.

Transport Canada

"Bob was amazing. He was so knowledgeable but still approachable and easy to connect with. It was more like information sharing than training. I will be recommending this training to all of my colleagues both in my current organization and formation organizaions." K.Y.

Western Economic Development

"Bob’s knowledge and non-threatening delivery make for a value-added session – positive experience, valuable information that can be used directly in my work." J.R.

"It was a great learning experience and opened my eyes to the current & historical experience of Aboriginal peoples in BC & Canada." S.B.

Provincial Government

Alberta Environments & Parks

"Very informative course. Questions were encouraged and relevant, current engagement/consultation info presented throughout the day." A.B.

"I Appreciated the delivery style of a close and comfortable environment (sittings and not lecturing) and the position he(the instructor) took on issues where it felt (like) he was part of "us" and not the instructor." C.S.

"The course gives great information for staff prepping for consultation + engagement - the what to do and what not to do is answered." K.Z.

Alberta Sustainable Resource Development

"I now fully understand the meaning of Aboriginal Peoples. I will see a different future for me and my people. It will also help me approach my work differently." W.D.

BC Housing

"Such an informative and interesting training session! I think it would be beneficial for anyone to take. The instructor had an entertaining and informative way of communicating very relevant and important information." A.

"This training was so important and valuable. With so much history and many relevant issues facing us today, it was hard to know where to start to educate myself. The training was really effective in giving a great summary of how the history of Indigenous people in BC and Canada has gotten us to where we are today, and it gave practical knowledge of what to do with this information going forward. Not only did the training provide a great starting point, the trainer also suggested current resources for how I could continue my learning. Thank you so much!" R.A.

"Very illuminating with respect to the history of Indigenous peoples of Canada. With this training you can be on your way to understanding the various factors that have led us to today and by doing so utilize empathy when interacting with Indigenous peoples and Nations." S.R.

"This training was excellent! It covered thousands of years of history, including heavy topics like residential schools in a single morning, while keeping the overall message positive. I came away with some great, concrete information on ways to work more productively with the Indigenous clients I encounter." B.N.

BC Human Rights Tribunal

"It feels almost impossible to isolate what I liked best about this training as it was meaningful and timely on so many levels, both personally and professionally. The content was comprehensive and well thought out. The presenter was able to effortlessly and competently present on a complicated and sometimes contentious subject matter, in a factual and truthful way. His ability to season his delivery with personal experience helped to solidify the ideas presented and make the process more genuine and memorable. His communication skills are obviously highly developed and his background so well-suited to this! Thank you for this timely and necessary training! It is invaluable and most appreciated! It has had quite a positive impact on me and I would highly recommend it to everyone!" L.R.

BC Ministry of Environment

"This was a very informative training session delivered by a very energetic and knowledgeable instructor. Well worth the time and money." R.T.

"I highly recommend Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. for anyone working in government or others working with indigenous peoples. Bob's teaching style is relaxed and full of content, intertwined with stories and practical examples." L.C.

"A really engaging and useful way to spend a day. I agree that this (type of) training should be mandatory for Government staff (across the country)." E.S.L.

British Columbia Ministry of Aboriginal Relations & Reconciliation

"Thanks for a very approachable introduction to a complex topic. Your critical questions gave me a great sense of where I need to focus my efforts." K.N.

"A very enjoyable and informative session about how to set the right tone." B.A.

British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries

"Bob Joseph Jr. provided a balanced overview of Aboriginal Peoples’ history – pre & post contact. He covered the Constitution, archaeology, cultural and language differences in an open, interesting and very informative way & provided really concrete examples of how to behave respectfully in difficult situations." G.S-W.

"Bob is an energetic & engaging speaker, the course provides helpful tools to assist & improve my understanding of First Nations communications." D.W.

"Excellent capsule of useful methods/ideas for working effectively with Aboriginal People." W.H.

British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines

"I learned many best practices that I can use at work starting tomorrow. I think all the government and companies employed/work in resource sector should take this course. Return on registration fee & 1 day of your time will be significant." S.M.

"A fantastic resource to improve communications and engagement through the consultative process." M.O.

"It was great. The wealth of experience of the workshop leader is a +++." C.A.

British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, & Natural Resource Operations

"This training really helped me remove my government hat and view Working w/ FNs from a different perspective." A.F.

"This course really helped me understand Aboriginal Peoples cultural background which will go a long way with my interactions." C.D.

"Great course providing background historical information of Aboriginal People to broaden the understanding of today’s culture and intentions." B.C.

British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office

"Bob passionately presents information in a clear and understandable manner - he is infectious!!!" D.G.

British Columbia Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management

"I learned more on effectively working with Aboriginal Peoples in 3 hours than I dreamed possible, primary message on cultural understanding, preceding other materials subtly presented and critical to preparing subsequent understanding. Thank you!" C.C.

"I now have a greater understanding of how & why the cultural differences and historical events are so important to consider when consulting with Aboriginal People. Great speaking style. Entertaining." S.O.

British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land & Air Protection

"I enjoyed very much Bob’s reinforcement of key messages that I have been struggling with. Bob brought me understanding and made the pieces fit together. This relates a lot to consultation and the terms and language I have been hearing for a few years." S.E.

British Columbia Regional District of Fraser – Fort George

"I have chaired the P.G.T.A.C. for over eight years and attended numerous workshops. Some 2 days long at UBC. I learned more in this 8 hours than I learned total in 8 years." T.B.

"Just wanted to pass along a quick note to thank you again for Friday’s workshop. I’m still hearing rave reviews from people who participated. It was an excellent workshop that presented great information in a very non-threatening manner. Made it easy to ask lots of questions without fear of sounding ignorant." R.Mc.

"Very beneficial and useful workshop. “Insider point of view” – allowed me to see the culture and other aspects/boundaries that I would not otherwise." M.C.

BC Securities Commission

"Extremely worthwhile and educational. The time flew by, and the session left me with valuable knowledge and insight." C.S.

BC Timber Sales

"The best F.N. workshop I have been to." D.H.

Community Living BC

"Bob Joseph is a knowledgeable, engaging speaker who uses his insight, humour and pointed commentary to deliver a lot of learning. One of the best uses of a day of my time in a long while. Much appreciated! hay ch qa." I.A.

"This was by far the best training I have had on Indigenous Peoples and the issues of building relationships in my career of over 30 years." C.B.

Destination BC

"This was the most transformative workshop that I've ever been to, both personally and professionally. It's provided me with a new perspective and respect for Indigenous Peoples. I now more than ever want to read and learn more, so that I can continue to educate myself on how to work together." H.

"Working Effectively with Indigenous People" was one of the very best workshops I have ever attended. It was profoundly emotional at times but the skilled facilitator was respectful, caring and extremely knowledgeable. I could go on and on... this was remarkable. Highly recommended. Thank you for opening my eyes!" K.H.

"This was a very valuable course, delivered in an extremely effective and informative, personal style that captures one's attention from the second the day starts. I think it is a 'must' for anyone in business to have undertaken." K.C.

Manitoba Clean Environment Commission

"One of the best presentations of this type I have attended." T.S.

"Excellent workshop, most informative." E.Y.

Manitoba Corporate Crown Land Policy

"Excellent overview of a complex subject." M.K.

Manitoba Ministry of Conservation

"Very informative, interesting and extremely helpful. Much appreciated." D.D.

Manitoba Ministry of Conservation – Aboriginal Relations Branch

"Highly recommend. Very enlightening." R.M.

Manitoba Ministry of Conservation - Conservation & Water Stewardship

"Great workshop. Would like to attend future events on this topic. No complaints! Great speaker." E.S.

"Provided valuable personal perspective and insight into Aboriginal customs and culture." K.H.

"Great stuff to consider reviewing to carry out Duty to Consult." P.S.

Manitoba Ministry of Conservation – Forestry Branch

"Excellent – Big Night Star in the Sky." G.P.

"These are the best workshops that the Department has ever put on, which is why I have never missed one. Thanks for all the work with organizing and funding these." J.D.

Ontario Lottery and Gaming

"Experienced practitioners and those new to working with aboriginal peoples will take away useful information to apply to their own experience and needs." L.Z.

Ontario Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care

"Bob has a wealth of experience and many useful tips for ensuring success in working with Aboriginal Peoples." A.H.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

"Government Senior Manager and Assistant Deputy Ministers should attend." G.K.

Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines

"Of all the courses I have attended over the last few years, I found this course to be the most informative and practical." A.W.

Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General

"The Indigenous Recruitment and Retention training was one of the most impactful sessions I have ever attended. The facilitator was knowledgeable and created a safe space for engagement and discussion with participants, and I came away from the training with a long list of practical tools and best practices. This training met and exceeded the goals." E.S.

Thompson Rivers District

"Fantastic course that bases hard skills for working with First Nations communities in a foundational historical knowledge." T.


"This course should be required for anyone who feels they received too narrow a history education in grade school (pretty much everyone) and is hungry for someone to fill in the gaps. A moving, thoughtful, and hopeful look at what it was and what it is to be indigenous in Canada." D.T.R.

Yukon Territorial Government

"The facilitator is very knowledgeable. He covers all topics fully and in an interesting way. Very enjoyable." J.S.

Yukon Government - Mineral Resources

"Excellent course to learn effective ways to engage with all levels of First Nations." A.S.

"Great & concise overview with practical and relevant advice for government and industry." B.M.

Local Government

Capital Regional District

"This Training adds value to everyday workings with First Nations. Helps all of us move forward as a society." E.R.

City of Abbotsford

"This training opportunity was incredibly valuable. Packed into one day was a wealth of historical context, sensitive insight and practical information relevant to working effectively with indigenous people today. Thank you!" D.W.

City of Burnaby

"I had the pleasure of hearing your presentation at the LMTAC Orientation session this morning, and I just wanted to communicate how impressed I was by it. Your presentation style is compelling and interesting, and the hard copy materials will be very useful. Many thanks for your participation today." K.F.

City of Campbell River

"The presenter provides relevant and sensitive information in an entertaining and open manner, showing respect for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous People." L.S.

"I felt really unaware of First Nations culture or how to build relationships before this session. I have a great respect and understanding of First Nations Peoples after this. I can't wait to read your book!" M.F.

"Great course, well informed trainer, up to date information." I.D.

City of Dawson Creek

"Bob has heard all the questions before. His responses are informative and balanced without being confrontational" G.D.

City of Edmonton

"All governments, industry, corporations and HR depts, would greatly benefit from this session." L.C.

City of Fort St. John

"Reading & hearing information thru news media is about the only way we learn regarding Aboriginal issues. Bob has given a different perspective & made understanding issues clearer." C.S.

"Opened my eyes up to some of the problems and the possible solutions. Cleared up some of the misconceptions I had regarding aboriginal people." A.D.

City of Guelph

"I really enjoyed this Indigenous awareness training course. I have a lot to learn and would definitely take another course offering from ICT. Thoughtful, personal, respectful, and a safe place to ask even basic questions without making you feel hesitant in any way. Very positive!!" R.G.

City of Lethbridge

"I would recommend Bob to any group, company, organization, or government that requires fact-based training on engagement with Aboriginal Peoples. His ability to incorporate historical perspective as a foundation for engagement was invaluable to our learning." R.M.

"The workshop provides practical tips & techniques in an easy-to-use fashion allowing you to avoid future communication disasters." K.S.

"The information provided was eye-opening and I believe all employees (and all Canadians) should take this course" A.S.

City of Maple Ridge

"I feel much more prepared to do the work I want to do with First Nations and am more confident than I was prior to training about how to do it." K.S.

City of North Vancouver

"Flavio Caron is a gregarious, intelligent facilitator who knows how to deliver complex topics in an easy-to-understand fashion. He has a proven ability to read his audience even in a virtual setting to ensure that participants are eager to learn and feel comfortable enough to discuss difficult subject matter. It's been an absolute pleasure to work with Indigenous Corporate Training!" M.C.

"An absolutely essential course for everyone, particularly for urban planners." M.W.

"Excellent program. More people need to understand the 'Real Story' rather than perceptions of reserves & Aboriginal People." B.P.

"Absolutely fabulous presenter. Extremely knowledgeable. Would like to have had another 1/2 day." L.Mc.

"Excellent, very informative, very good presentation. I learned a lot!" T.C.

"Flavio Caron's style of presenting leaves one feeling like you want to attend a follow-up seminar! He is knowledgeable, thoughtful, engaging, sensitive and supportive of wherever anyone is at with challenging topics like Canadian Indigenous history. Flavio is a positive and genuine person who genuinely wants others to learn and understand Indigenous history in Canada, and who Indigenous people were and are today with enthusiasm. I am grateful for having attended his seminar. Without hesitation, I would highly recommend Flavio." A.G.

City of Port Coquitlam

"Thanks for putting in perspective for me!" N.G.

City of Vancouver

"Relevant, relatable and immediately applicable insights plus information. Thank you for an excellent session that helped deepen my understandings. So much more to learn!" D.S.

"I heard from coworkers this was a session not to miss, and I am glad to have participated in such informative training, which I hope to continue through the ebook and research." K.C.

"Highly recommended. Bob Joseph and Indigenous Corporate Training to bring a higher level of awareness and skills to our lives and work with Indigenous Peoples." K.H.

"An absolutely stellar presentation - tackles a large, complex and sensitive area clearly & compellingly." F.K.

"A very useful session which I expect to draw on in future work for years to come." V.K.

"The facilitator was clear, concise and educated with humour & wisdom. Very much appreciated and I will continue to learn." C.H.

City Of West Kelowna

"The best workshop I have attended on this workshop." P.T.

City of White Rock

"This is the BEST training in my 20 years working in the municipal sector. I spent 18 years with the City of Vancouver and had received Indigenous training and this training (especially the facilitator) was by far the most engaging and meaningful training session. I can't put into words how this session has made a positive impact on myself, my position, my relationships, my continuing education, and just a mind opening experience. To understand the truth is the start of the path to understanding the culture and why the response is the way it is. I am lucky enough to have built relationships and those relations were good enough that I was told these nuances. It is not personal, it's that it's just how it is, no changing that fact anytime soon. Embrace it, understand it and be the face of change. With these tools in my toolbox, I feel I can finally understand and work well with the community. I can't say how much this session had an impact on me and the way I go about working together." D.A.

Comox Valley Regional District

"The thorough and vivid stories and day to day descriptions of what children and people in Canada endured over the past 200 years touched my soul! I feel like this session enlightened me on how we can all gain a greater respect and admiration for our own First Nation people and their beautiful culture! We have a long way to go, but knowing where we’ve come from gives me great hope, for all we will accomplish together!" C.M.S.

"Flavio was an excellent instructor who provided just the right mix of technical information with practical, real-life stories that helped me, as a non-Indigenous person, understand the historical and cultural realities that indigenous people work with." A.H.

District of Highlands

"Awesome educational opportunity that I would recommend to others." L.H.

District of Saanich

"Working in local Gov't for more than 10 years in initiating and developing relationships with First Nations, this the best foundational training I have seen and experienced." P.T.

Greater Vancouver Regional District Parks East

"Excellent information. This course is a great start in understanding the relationships needed for successful symbiosis between all people with Aboriginal Peoples." T.Mc.

Islands Trust

"This was an excellent opportunity to learn about interacting with First Nations from a gifted speaker." P.L.

"A very informative workshop delivered in a pragmatic and understandable way, and with a delightful touch of humour & personal anecdotes." P.B.

"Bob is a gem. A true expert in the topic of Aboriginal Relations. I highly recommend him as a trainer or mentor and would hire him again in a heartbeat." L.G.

LGAA. Local Govt. Admin. Assoc. Alberta

"Bob's workshop was chock-full of great information, complete with context, tips, and an extremely useful resource (book). Thank You!" K.L.


"A very comfortable atmosphere to learn about a subject relevant to all Canadians & our work." L.F.

"This training offered insight into varying cultural understandings and how to apply these to working partnerships to create strong, positive communication." M.L.

Municipality of North Cowichan

"Rupert gave an inspired and insightful presentation with a glimpse into a new perspective on First Nations relations and communication. He offered some tools to help build relationships. Well done." R.B.

North Pender Local Trust Committee

"The clear & easy to understand explanations demystify the subject matter." G.S.

Peace River Regional District

"Wonderful information and thought process in engaging Indigenous People." S.A.

Powell River Regional District

"I found Bob's insight enlightening and opened a whole new awareness for future use." A.R.

Regional District of Nanaimo

"Excellent historical perspective to put into context the issues surrounding Indigenous Peoples today. Recommend to anyone." H.M.

Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

"Rarely am I as engrossed in a seminar as I was on that day. The instructor's knowledge of the subject was superb." M.H.

Resort Municipality of Whistler

"Essential Training. If you don’t see a need to learn now, you’re already behind." E.Z. Councillor

"This was a positive and informative experience. Thank you." K.Mc.

Township of Esquimalt

"As an elected official it is critical that we deepen our understanding of First Nations history as it relates to what's happening in the present." B.K.

Town of Ladysmith

"If you are new (or not) to working with First Nations, I highly recommend this course. Practical, highly skilled presenter." F.A.

Township of Langley

"Engaging & Interesting." E.A.

Town of Smithers

"This course is invaluable to all local government managers. Bob explores every aspect of Indigenous relations in a comfortable and safe learning environment." D.P.

First Nations

Beecher Bay First Nation

"When we are working with other cultural groups we need to communicate all issues so everyone can take at least one step towards having a greater future for everyone." B.M.

First Nations Emergency Services Society

"Great workshop, tremendous insight to Aboriginal Peoples issues, creative approach suggestions." D.M.

"A very relaxed learning environment, easy to process information." C.C.

"Well paced and very informative and up to date information. This program will serve me well and supplement my 18 years experience in First Nations communities." D.L. Leigh Training Services Inc.

Gitlaxtaamiks(New Aiyansh) Village Govt.

"Very insightful training that gives clear perspective of many Indigenous Peoples and with each it varies to that Nation and their culture." S.W.

Indigena Solutions

"Even though I am a First Nations person and have participated in this workshop before, I found this workshop enlightening." C.L.

KDC (Kwakiutl District Council) Health

"This workshop should be part of all basic orientation sessions for anyone working with aboriginal peoples/communities." A.G.

Lil’wat Nation

"I think this process was long overdue to establish an effective working relationship between Whistler and Lil’wat Nation. I am certain this process will increase understanding and communication between the two communities." C.L.

"This training opens an avenue for dialogue to break the cycle of misunderstandings between non-native and non F.N. native/FN." M.P.

Métis Provincial Council of BC – Abbotsford

"A very informative workshop. I thought it was well paced. The instructor presented with easy mannerism and spent time with all participants throughout the seminar." H. B. Training For Trainers

Mount Currie Band

"The workshop is well laid out. Information collected has been very helpful. It’s great that important facts have been gathered into one presentation." L. J. Training For Trainers

Musqueam First Nation

"This train the trainer workshop was an excellent opportunity to find our own natural talents to facilitate & talk about the history of Aboriginal people." V.C.

"Training Trainers workshop is great! Would be beneficial to Aboriginal & non aboriginal people. Open, friendly atmosphere. It’s obvious that Robert has done a lot of research." D.F.

Ntityix Resources (Westbank First Nation)

"Excellent examples of how and “how not” to work with First Nations." D.G.

Nuxalk Forestry L.P.

"Bob offered many opportunities for participants to improve their understanding in working effectively with Aboriginal Peoples… a “must attend” that won’t disappoint." R.H.

Okanagan Indian Band

"Great information. It’s like ‘now you know the rest of the story’ that is not taught at the public schools." F.O. Training For Trainers

Okanagan Metis and Aboriginal Housing Society

"Content was well organized and lent insight into the extensive diversities of Aboriginal Nations and their expectations on how to relate with each other – expectations etc." L.N.

Okanagan Nation Transition/Emergency House

"Bob was easy to understand and help me to feel confident in facilitating my own workshop." N.F.

"2 1/2 days of tools added to my memory & knowledge pool – AWESOME!" V.B.

ʔaq̓am (St. Mary's Indian Band)

"Bob is a subject expert, has awesome content, presents in a non-intimidating manner. I really liked his openness to group questions." C.B.

Penticton Indian Band

"Very good workshop – so much interesting information you don’t want it to end. Excellent approach." S.E.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Arthritis Society

"The knowledge and information that was shared in the two sessions I attended hold an incredible amount of value for my own personal growth and the work I am hoping to do. The facilitators were both kind, patient, and generous with their time and knowledge. I would recommend these sessions, and I would attend other sessions by Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. without hesitation." L. F.

ASK Wellness

"Important information." M.Mc.

Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta

"I attended the Creating an Indigenous Engagement Plan and Bob Joseph’s presentation was one of the most enlightening I’ve ever attended. He combined traditional beliefs, legal decisions, common sense, and his own experience in a way that had me re-think engagement." M.S.

Basketball BC

"Flavio is perfect in explaining the history of Indigenous People in Canada in a non-threatening but "safe" presentation." L.J.

"Very well organized + informative presentation. The presenter was relaxed + maintained our interest throughout. Enjoyed!" S.G.

BC Forest Safety Council

"Bob was able to walk us through our indigenous training with knowledge, compassion and humour, giving rise to full engagement of all in attendance. His ability to link the past with the present assisted us all in painting a picture of our shared heritage and how the future could and should unfold. We were all enlightened by his sharing, and as a result more open to further participation in the reconciliation of indigenous roles in our communities and further expansion of their engagement in our industry activities and how we can facilitate this." S.S.

"Invaluable training that one can build on, reflect on, and put into practice. Highly recommended for both content and delivery. Bob Joseph is a truly gifted trainer." P.A.

BC Wheelchair Basketball Society

"This information presented is so important for every person to hear. We learn as young kids some Aboriginal history but we NEED to be reminded and educated further. This training is a great start and I will continue to gain knowledge to go forward." N.B.

"Before the Indigenous Awareness presentation there was a song of transition, and for me, this awareness was a means of transition and transformation - Thank you!" C.B.

Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver

"This training was excellent and is highly recommended to staff as they have the opportunity to gain valuable insight and skills to work with Indigenous peoples and communities." D.

"Bob’s training session is one every Canadian should attend." S.H.

Bowen Island Arts Council

"First class training that was informative and thought provoking. Delivered with grace and humour that engaged participants in the journey of reconciliation.” K.T.P.

"As a new Canadian citizen and natural resource professional, I consider myself lucky to have been able to attend this day-long workshop with Flavio. His communication style conveyed important messages in an affable manner. This is the best introduction to working with Indigenous peoples I could have thought of. Thank you." J.S.

Business for Social Responsibility, San Francisco, US

"Bob Joseph is one of the most dynamic and effective trainers that I have encountered in my twenty years experience in this field. He makes the subject matter leap off of the page while designing a training structure that fits the needs of a variety of learners. I have no hesitation in recommending Mr. Joseph’s services." J.R. Director, Extractive Program

Canada Snowboard

"Great delivery style, makes learning + questioning comfortable to digest. A must do in prep for working w. Indigenous People." D.H.

Canadian Blood Services

"The presenters and trainers are highly knowledgeable and skilled, they demonstrated sincere interest in helping us achieve our learning goals. We will continue to attend training opportunities from ICT Inc." S.K.

Canadian Institute for Health Information

"I thought this training was among the best I have ever received over the course of my career. Everything was spot on. From the way information was conveyed about history, to the information about the Indian Act and the notion of Indigenous rights, through to engagement practices and principles. It was all excellent, informative, thought-provoking and inspiring." D.C.

Columbia Basin Trust

"Bob is an excellent speaker and a truly unique resource when it comes to working with First Nations and Indigenous Peoples and Communities. I would recommend the training to anyone and everyone who works with these communities frequently." M.M.

"This was a wonderful training opportunity! I would definitely recommend this course to any organization interested in learning more about respectfully engaging with Indigenous communities." H.H.

Cowichan Women Against Violence Society

"I wish the employers in our community were present for this valuable information & discussion." C.W.

CCEM Strategies

"This was an excellent training opportunity and highly beneficial for my current role and client projects. Thank you very much!" M.

"The course is very informative and illuminates several aspects of indigenous culture and norms that will help foster understanding and communication in any number of scenarios moving forward." L. H.

Foundry BC

"Absolutely excellent training! An engaging presenter and well formatted content. Got to the point in a way that was fair and balanced. Very useful take-aways for understanding how to work more effectively with indigenous communities." W.

"Layers of vital information about the Indigenous experience are presented in a very engaging and accessible way. Came away feeling wiser and more equipped to competently navigate my relationships with Indigenous people for our mutual benefit." T.

"The training was exceptional and the facilitator really engaged the audience to the point of wanting to learn more ....Can't wait for my colleagues and community partners to experience this training so that we can all have a similar lens of understanding to work from..." S.J.

"Amazing training. Flavio was extremely knowledgeable and a very engaging presenter. I went in with some knowledge and gained a lot more. I especially appreciated the very concrete suggestions of things to be mindful of when engaging indigenous communities." S.M.

Geoscience BC

"Bob's presentation style & this vast depth of knowledge allows for engaging conversation and valuable food for thought. I look forward to putting some of the theory into action and am confident about positive results." A.C.

Industry Training Authority

"Something I wish I had learned in high school. Creates an awareness and appreciation for the history and future of Aboriginal Peoples." K.H.

"Excellent info & definitely relevant in today's environment." J.L.

Liuna TriFund

"I highly recommend Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples as a valuable tool to help better understand Aboriginal communities and how to work in an effective and mutually beneficial manner." A.P.

Nanaimo Youth Services Association

"Very engaging presenter, well balanced with humour. Integrated into a serious subject." G.F.

Nature Conservancy of Canada

"Every person in Canada should be taking this training - I only wish that this course had been available through elementary or high school when I was growing up. My goal is to be able to have meaningful and respectful interactions with Indigenous people in every aspect of my life, and courses like this help people to overcome certain constructed barriers and allow for these interactions to evolve naturally. Thank you!" K.M.

"I am grateful for this workshop as having moved to Canada recently, I did not have an understanding of Indigenous history as it related to this country - all I knew was that bad things happened and Canada was trying to do better for the future. Now I understand WHY. Thank you!" J.H.

Smithers Community Services Association

"Bob’s low key approach to addressing misconceptions allows the listeners to open their minds without feeling threatened." C.J.

Squamish Chamber of Commerce

"The course provides a good foundation to help strengthen the bridge between business and Aboriginal People." K.H.

Tourism Victoria

"This workshop was very informative and important even for those who may not work with Indigenous Peoples directly. I think everyone should take this course in order to help propel Canada closer to true reconciliation." N.

Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre

"We want to motivate people to work towards positive change with HEAD (understand), HEART (feel passion for the issues) & HAND (use our tools to influence) – you have helped us with the 1st 2, now the 3rd is up to us – Thank you, Bob." H.H.

"Thank you for this wonderful introduction and the down-to-earth practical advice you have given. This has been a meaningful and thought-provoking lecture." C.D.

"Leader very well informed and knowledgeable while creating a safe, non-judgmental and unbiased perspective." T.M.

Whistler Chamber of Commerce

"Mandatory training for every Canadian!" D.D.

Whistler Museum

"This was an essential workshop for our community – partnerships with First Nations people need to be better developed and this course is a good place to start." K.


Association of Admistration and Professional Staff at UBC

"A great introductory course that mixes very well history, practical tips and personal insights." O.C.

"Very contextualized training, rich with storied examples of where pitfalls exist. Engaging speaker who brought to life the rich opputunities of work with Aboriginal cummunities." K.N.

"I learned things I didn't know before and several things I should have realized before." M.L.

Center for Arts & Technology Okanagan

"From a program advisor’s perspective within post secondary school’s environment, this course would be very beneficial to any and all school officials who want to start working with Aboriginal Peoples. Learning the dos & don’ts & proper communication tools was a definite proactive approach to building the bridge & joining between communities." J.W.

Coast Mountain College

Coast Mountain College

"The information presented was well balanced and the presenter was very passionate about the subject matter. Fantastic experience, I would highly recommend this training to everyone so that they may gain a better understanding of Canadian history." D.C.

Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir

"L'entraîneur a réussit à me faire questionner mes schémas liés à l'histoire canadienne; ses idées étaient logiques et raisonnées." P.C. Indigenous Awareness

"Rupert was an incredibly eloquent and knowledgeable presenter who created a safe space for us to ask questions and challenge our own perspectives about various issues relating to the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. He was engaging and thought-provoking in his questioning and I left the session with a thirst for more knowledge of the creation histories of the indigenous people of my region and a greater understanding of the importance of sharing these stories with our students." J.C.

Justice Institute of British Columbia

"I appreciate the fact that my own heritage is a major focus, & for others to learn what we are about and why it is important to understand our point of view." B.H. Paramedic Academy

"Helped me to understand the importance of language, and that proper use will communicate respect and allow for better progress." L.Mc.

"Great presentation! Bob has an excellent way of challenging people’s beliefs in an informed, yet non-confrontational manner." J.M. MCFD – Youth Justice

"Excellent subject matter expert with an effective teaching style. I would recommend Bob Joseph to anyone interested in working more effectively with aboriginal peoples." B.M. Paramedic Academy

Malaspina University College

"Very good. Reminded me that I need to read up more on F.N. issues. Definitely a must for all educators to take." F.T.

"A thoughtful & balanced workshop that dispelled false assumptions and gave practical insight." H.S.

"...You inspired many students, who left your presentation with a realistic picture of issues facing them in their careers." G.K.

Northern Lights College

"Very informative for people like myself who are not aware of Aboriginal Peoples’ issues and challenges, especially with respect to schools & education." C.G.

Northwest Community College (Coast Mountain College)

"The information, some sensitive, is presented in a safe way, no one is made to feel silly or 'not-knowing'." A.McD.

"I loved this presentation. It was culturally relative and sensitive to Aboriginal People. Hope to see you again at NWCC." M.B.

"So much heart, emotion and honesty on a topic not discussed enough. Delivered with the utmost respect - Well done!" D.S.

"The content landscape surveyed in this training is important and necessary for every Canadian. For me, as a person in the world of education, this training highlighted the gravity of journeying toward a greater understanding of the many difficult histories inherent in Canada's nationhood, including an attempted Indigenous cultural genocide, and the role educational institutions took as venues of harm. Going through this training not only helps to prevent further hurt but enables a careful and respectful walk toward recognition and hopefully reconciliation. Special thanks to a gifted and skilled facilitator, who guided and taught so well!" A.N.

"This eye opening and thought provoking training makes me want to encourage my friends and colleagues to seek a greater understanding of the history and present circumstances of the Indigenous people in Canada and elsewhere." W.P.

Royal Roads University

"This workshop really clarified some issues that have long been cloudy for me. Bob Joseph was approachable and friendly, and responded to questions with care." V.W.

"Absolutely bang on and relevant to any cultural work. Common sense approaches and useful information for corporations and groups who want to include Aboriginal Peoples in what they do." K.S.

Royal Roads University continued

"Very eye opening. Very interested in particularly the treaty history and current processes, well covered. I liked the fact that audience questions and possible prejudices were dealt with on a professional understanding level." S.B.

School District # 33 - Chilliwack, BC

"Flavio's delivery was perfect for such a sensitive topic. I personally learned a lot during the session and would gladly have listened endlessly. Just since the session, there have been so many relevant references in news and other interest feeds, that I feel so much more equipped to understand." J.B.

"The presenter (Flavio Caron) used humour to deliver a message that can be difficult. Well done." M.K.

"The presenter (Flavio Caron) provided rich background information coupled with real stories of impact that helped us all with new learning, enabling us to work with all people/students with greater understanding." E.N.

"Every teacher should be part of this training to be able to respectful(ly) educate our students, all students." J.A-L. Indigenous Awareness

Selkirk College

"Wonderful! I learned so much and now have a far greater appreciation for the complexity and hopefulness of my own work with Indigenous People." A.A.

"Bob presented the training on a difficult topic in a neutral but fair fashion, allowing us to explore some of our history without attaching guilt." D.H.

"Well-prepared and presented. An excellent overview of the history of the problem along with potential solutions." D.H.

"Thank you for sharing your insights about how we can positively contribute to Indigenous learning + nation building." I.P.

Simon Fraser University

"...By all accounts from students, your presentation was excellent with students asking for more. I hope we can find a way to work together again in the future. Thanks again, your presentation went a long way to helping our learners." D.M. Chief Dan George Centre for Advanced Education

"A very insightful and helpful introduction to Aboriginal reality for people who need to have myths challenged & corrected and understanding built." E.P.

"I highly recommend ICT's approach to training. The instructor was knowledgeable and very approachable. The information was interspaced with real-life examples that helped land the practical aspects of this work. There was a real sense of genuine exchanges in the room. Rupert was really fantastic at keeping us all engaged despite the challenges of being in a virtual environment!" E.J.

Sprott-Shaw College

"This workshop not only opened a door to understanding the behaviours of my staff and students but offered a multitude of options for encouraging better relationships in the community and in the organization." S.K.

Thompson Rivers University & International Remote Sensing Surveys Ltd.

"I teach First Nations students at NVIT in Merritt. I also train First Nations Band in GIS. In order to do my training effectively I need to be trained by First Nations persons in First Nations culture and learning styles." K.W.

UBC Faculties Planning

"A sensitive, informative, thorough introduction to an important aspect of our collective history. Thank you." A.P.

UBC Infrastructure Development

"Flavio is fabulous! I have an Indigenous background but the info provided and the way he delivered it really opened my eyes." K.H.

"Vitally important history and perspective delivered in an interactive and engaging way. Outstanding!" J.M.

"Flavio provided an informative and unbiased presentation on one of Canada's saddest parts of [its] history." G.M.

"Bob Joseph was incredible to listen to, engaging, knowledgeable, and friendly this was a great course." R.H.

UBC Project Services

"Really liked how the presenter gave the audience a flavour of the cultural sensitivities through examples - really practical." D.C.

"Valuable insights delivered in an engaging and personal way" J.M.

"Training was presented in a very respectful way to a group that is looking to improve aboriginal relationships, great advice." P.B.

University of Waterloo"This training was a phenomenal way to learn more about the history of Indigenous peoples in what is now Canada. Through stories and discussion, I left the training with a strong understanding of how I can move towards forming relationships with Indigenous peoples both in my work and personal life." J.D.

Wilfrid Laurier University

"Fantastic training for corporations & government staff working with Indigenous communities." J.B.

Yukon College

"Gifted and eloquent problem solver who makes respect and leading of potential conflicts understandable and logical." V.A.

Abbotsford Police

"Helped me to understand some protocols I should be considering in my communication/interaction with 1st Nations people. Relationship building & knowledge of the different issues. Key Respect." J.P.

C.P. Railway Police Service

"Bob has considerable knowledge on the history and background of Aboriginal Peoples and presented current information in an unbiased and straightforward manner. I highly recommend this seminar for anyone who will be dealing with 1st Nations Peoples." D.S.

Catulpa Community Support Services

"I came to the training hoping that I would gain a better understanding. This training helped me to 'get it'." K.S.

City of Fort St. John Fire Department

"I learned a lot this morning, it was very valued and the content was extremely interesting and informative. It removed a lot of myths." F.B.

"Bob presented the material in a non partisan format that helped me understand some of the more fundamental issues relating to our first nations." J.L.

Cowichan Bay Community Policing

"I found this session very informative, very interesting and really valuable to me personally & in my work." S.J.

Duncan Community Policing

"Great workshop, very informative & Bob is a wonderful speaker & knows his work well." D.R.

"A great & informative workshop spiced with humour & anecdotes. A very knowledgeable speaker, able to answer each & every question with ease." P.F.

Cowichan Youth Services

"This course fueled my interest in understanding the cultural differences." A.W.

First Nations Emergency Services Society

"Great workshop, tremendous insight to Aboriginal Peoples issues, creative approach suggestions." D.M.

Health Canada

"This is a very comprehensive, useful one-day seminar firmly grounded by Bob’s extensive knowledge and examples of the history of interactions with First Nations." C.A.

"It was great, I learned a lot and the first and foremost, research a community before you engage in any communication." N.G.

Legal Services Society of BC

"Overall a good workshop - valuable information." A.K.

"Great training! It was such an interesting session and I feel to have now more knowledge on First Nations and their culture." A.M.


"Most interesting course. Have a better understanding of the situation. Having come from Corrections Canada where 33% of the population is Aboriginal, I did not understand the issues till now." R.S.


"It made me aware of just how much I DON’T know about Indigenous People of Canada and the history of both." R.T.

RCMP Victim Services

"Very helpful & informative. I liked the non-judgmental style of delivery. Thank you." M.P.

Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission

"As a lawyer, I appreciated the practical analysis and consideration of cultural respect." B.B.

"If the public had the knowledge and awareness that is touched on in this training and detailed in this book it would help dispel stereotypes and racism." C.W.

"I was happy to gain an educated and informative perspective instead of my former ignorant perspective." O.L.

Vancouver Coastal Health

"Very informative. Bob is very knowledgeable & presented effectively. Created a comfortable learning environment." D.W.

"Excellent historical, current, and future perspective on the issues relevant to beginning and developing a relationship with First Nations Peoples. Both practical + interesting." J.Mc.

"This workshop was an excellent resource to bridge the gap between Aboriginal Peoples and those companies seeking to become more involved in the recruitment & retention of Aboriginal Peoples." K.R.

Vancouver Police Board

"Deepened limited awareness; dispelled misconceptions – heightened personal sense of respect for and understanding of Aboriginal Communities." K.B.

Vancouver Police Department

"It was very enlightening. After listening to the speaker, I developed a new understanding for what the current Aboriginal Community is facing." L.S.

"Bob Joseph explained many important issues that will help the officers in the Vancouver Police Department deliver better service to our aboriginal communities." J.C.

Vancouver Island Health Authority

"This course helped broaden my views of aboriginal people. It should be mandatory for all health care staff!" S.F.

"Everyone who works with Aboriginal People should have to attend this workshop – it was excellent!!" G.F.

"Bob has a unique way of combining his aboriginal background with commonly held (non-native) beliefs, giving the learner a well-rounded perspective." J.S.

Your Commitment + Our Training = Informed Indigenous Relations